Energy networks vision summit

In Feb 2020, the Scottish Government hosted the Energy Networks Vision Summit aimed to help shape the future of Scotland’s electricity and gas networks, giving stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the issues addressed in the report ‘Scotland's electricity and and gas networks: 'Vision to 2030'.

Supporting vulnerable customers and delivering a just transition

The Scottish Government, Ofgem and the network companies must ensure that the vulnerable and less affluent, including those living in fuel poverty, are not left behind. All of society, should benefit from new innovations such as flexibility services, heat pumps and electric vehicles, not just the more engaged and affluent – who are potentially paying less for their energy compared to those less able to embrace the new technologies and approaches. The costs and benefits of the transition need to be equally shared.

Achieving this goal will require more clarity from energy networks and from all tiers of government on who should pay for network upgrades. The Scottish Government, Ofgem and the gas and electricity networks need to work together to ensure that decarbonisation involves a just transition for Scotland and the rest of the UK.



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