Scottish Crown Estate strategic management plan: business and regulatory impact assessment

BRIA relating to the first Scottish Crown Estate strategic management plan.


Within Government

The provisions in the Strategic Management Plan for the Scottish Crown Estate were developed in a collaborative way, with extensive involvement from relevant officials across the Scottish Government, including:

Directorate for Marine Scotland
Directorate for Environment and Forestry
Directorate of Financial Management
Transport Scotland
Directorate for Local Government and Communities
Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Economy
Directorate for Culture, Tourism and Major Events
Directorate for Energy and Climate Change
Directorate for Legal Services

Public Consultation

The Scottish Government consulted informally with members of the Stakeholder Advisory Group on the Scottish Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland (Interim Management) as it was known at the time of the consultation on the vision and objectives, priorities and policies.

The consultation ran from 30 August 2019 until 22 November 2019. A total of 34 responses were received. Overall, respondents agreed with our proposed vision, objectives, priorities and policies.

The profile of respondents by category consisted of organisations from Local Authorities, Enterprise or Coastal Management Bodies, Leisure/Tourism, Fisheries/Seafood Bodies and Others.

The consultation responses received have been used to finalise this document. No substantive changes have been made to the Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment as a result of responses received.


The Stakeholder Advisory Group, established in September 2015, provides a forum for stakeholders to contribute their views on the future management of the Scottish Crown Estate. The diverse membership of the Advisory Group brings together the perspectives of numerous representatives of Scottish Crown Estate portfolio interests including representatives of marine industries and tenant farming interests. The Advisory Group has met on twelve occasions to date.



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