
Scottish 4G Infill Programme consultation

This public consultation seeks to define the proposed intervention locations in the first phase of the Scottish 4G Infill Programme.


This consultation runs for four weeks from 7 August 2017 to 3 September 2017.

Your Response Required

We are sending this consultation to all recognised mobile infrastructure and service providers in our area. In addition, we are publishing this consultation document on our website.

We require responses by 3 September 2017 to the questions set out in Annex C.
When responding to these questions, please provide the following information:

  • Your organisation's name
  • Your organisation's address
  • Your name
  • Position
  • Email address

Please send your response to arrive not later than 3 September 2017. You can respond via email to or in writing to:

4G Infill Programme
SG Digital Programme Management Office
5 Atlantic Quay
G2 8LU

A Respondent Information Form and Questionnaire is also available in Word format (122KB) as an associated downloadable document to this consultation.

Please note that the data you provide in your response will be treated as commercially confidential to Scottish Government and SFT, albeit that it may be necessary to share/some all of your response data with our professional advisors and/or BDUK, Ofcom, BIS State Aid Branch and the European Commission in the course of seeking State aid approval for our project.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact:


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