Statutory debt solutions and diligence - policy review consultation: summary of responses

Summary report of the responses received to our proposals for reforms to the Scottish statutory debt solutions and debt recovery mechanisms (diligence).

v. Evaluation

A total of 46 responses were received by AiB at the close of the consultation. A list of the organisations who responded (and who gave their permission for their details to be disclosed) can be found in Annex A of this document. We have included comments from respondents throughout the report, however, where a respondent did not want their details disclosed these have not been attributed to any organisation or individual.


Throughout the document we have provided tables to illustrate the responses to the questions asked in the consultation. Where a question required simply an "agree," "disagree" or "neither agree nor disagree" answer, we have shown the number of responses in each category.

The responses to all questions have been further broken down into the total number of responses from each stakeholder group, rather than splitting it into responses from organisations and from individuals.



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