Social Security (Residence Requirements) (Afghanistan) (Scotland) Regulations 2021: SCoSS scrutiny report

Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) scrutiny report on the Social Security (Residence Requirements) (Afghanistan) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.


1 Afghan citizens resettlement scheme - GOV.UK (

2 Afghan citizens resettlement scheme - GOV.UK (

3 Asylum seekers, unlike people with refugee status, are usually subject to immigration control and cannot claim any benefits because of that. There may also be implications to factor in from a wider UK perspective in regards to the relationship with the planned reforms to the UK’s asylum system through the Nationality and Borders Bill.

4 The Social Security (Habitual Residence and Past Presence) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 No. 1034

5 Regulations 2(2) and 3(2) of SI 2021 No. 1034

6 Paragraph 7.10 Explanatory Memorandum to SI 2021 No. 1034

7 Social Security Scotland officials informed us that all people covered by this scheme have been issued with a temporary National Insurance number, which will in due course be replaced with a permanent one.

8 Social Security Scotland officials informed us that applications are paper-based.

9 For example, see Child Poverty Action Group’s (CPAG) report in relation to Universal Credit: Access to universal credit for refugees and their families | CPAG

10 The explanatory memo to the UK regulations says they are similar to the 2006 regulations for the situation in Lebanon: Explanatory Memorandum To The Social Security (Habitual Residence And Past Presence) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 No. 1034

11 The Syrian Refugee Crisis: a resettlement programme that meets the needs of the most vulnerable by The Centre for Social Justice.

12 UNHCR study: integration efforts advancing in UK Syria refugee resettlement

13 For example, there is also learning captured from the Syrian scheme in the Disability Assistance for Children and Young People (DACYP) Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) paras 72-75 which also refers to language barriers. The new take up strategy indicates action to address barriers such as language and stigma and the improved engagement with stakeholders representing seldom heard groups including refugees.

14 New Scots refugee integration strategy 2018-2022: first year progress report - (



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