New Scots refugee integration strategy 2018-2022: first year progress report
Year one progress report.
Key Partner Statements

Aileen Campbell MSP
Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government
Scotland has a long history of welcoming asylum seekers and refugees from all over the world and the Scottish Government is committed to making Scotland a place where refugees and asylum seekers are able to find safety in our communities
from day one of arrival.
I would like to thank all those who have contributed to and engaged with the New Scots refugee integration strategy in its first year for their hard work and dedication. I am delighted that, through
the collaborative approach of the New Scots refugee integration strategy,
positive changes are already being seen.
There is more work to be done, but the Scottish Government will continue to support people to rebuild their lives and
to fulfil their potential.

Councillor Kelly Parry
Spokesperson for COSLA Community and Wellbeing Board
COSLA continues to be fully supportive of the New Scots strategy and the partnership working that has continued over the first year of the strategy’s implementation.
I am delighted that there is a commitment from all those who are involved to find ways of working together that support the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland.
Local authorities across Scotland are committed to supporting refugees to build a new life here.
COSLA and local government will continue to be at the heart of taking
this important agenda forward with
our partners.

Sabir Zazai
Chief Executive,
Scottish Refugee Council
I am very pleased to endorse the first
year of Scotland’s national refugee integration strategy.
It is positive to see the key achievements set out in the report towards a shared vision of refugee integration in Scotland.
I know that beyond these highlights, strong and committed partnerships across government, local government, the voluntary sector and communities are now in place to take forward further action as well as respond to future developments.
Scottish Refugee Council remains committed to strengthen these partnerships to make sure Scotland provides a warm welcome and helps refugees realise their potential to the benefit of all.
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