Science of salmon stocking: report

The Science of Stocking report "scientific considerations in stocking policy development for river managers Scottish marine and freshwater science Vol 14 No 3" brings together the science behind the various considerations needed to be taken prior to and following stocking, with a view to aiding design of salmon management strategies that balance risks and benefits within a broad policy framework.

7. Oversight

Plan development, hatchery operations, stocking activities and monitoring programmes are subject to the oversight of the various statutory regulatory bodies acting at both local and national levels. Programmes will thus be required to meet the requirements set out by such organisations. However, the successful implementation of supplementation programmes to meet both conservation and socioeconomic goals will be enhanced if oversight of the project is performed by a body consisting of representatives of the various stakeholder organisations involved (Harrison et al., 2019b). Oversight should be science-led, with impartial experts examining the evidence to ensure progress is matching expectations, as outlined in the project plan, with appropriate cost/benefit/risk analysis carried out throughout the duration of the project (Cowx et al., 2012).



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