School estate statistics 2020
Results of the 2020 School Estate Core Facts Survey.
School Estate Statistics 2020
This annual statistical publication provides information on:
- School estate survey data for financial year 2019-20, for all schools open on 1st April 2020.
- Schools built or substantially refurbished during the financial year 2019-20.
Headline figures:
30 schools built or substantially refurbished in 2019-20.
958 schools built or substantially refurbished since 2007-08.

89.9% of schools in good or satisfactory condition in April 2020.

86.5% of schools of a good or satisfactory suitability in April 2020.

91.1% of pupils in schools in good or satisfactory condition in April 2020.

88.3% of pupils in schools of a good or satisfactory suitability in April 2020.
pp = percentage points
The statistics in this bulletin supersede all previously published statistics.
Supplementary data tables can be found at:
Requests for additional analysis can be e-mailed to:
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