Rural Affairs and the Environment (RAE) Consultation on the Research Strategy for 2016-2021.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the scope and content of the draft RAE Research Strategy for the 2016-2021 period.

Annex D - Consultation questions

Question 1: Do the 2011-2016 strategic priorities remain robust and relevant for the period 2016-2021?

Question 2: Do these 'enabling principles' set the right context or should additional principles be adopted?

Question 3: Are the high level outcomes sufficiently clear, if not, what changes would you propose?

Question 4: Are the three broad themes identified an appropriate way of structuring our work? If not, what alternatives should be considered?

Question 5: How can the SG maximise the benefits of on-going investment in the MRPs to build and benefit from connectivity with the wider science base?

Question 6: What are your views of the performance and operation of the CoEs to date, are there any additional areas that would benefit from such support?

Question 7: Do you agree with the SG's proposal to end support for SPs and to explore alternative mechanisms to strengthen engagement between its investment in research and the business sectors it aims to support?

Question 8: Do you have any proposals for how the research portfolio can better link to the business community to deliver the desired outcome?

Question 9: Is the purpose and value of underpinning capacity sufficiently clear, if not how can it be improved?

Question 10: Do you have any views regarding the performance and use of the Contract Research Fund including how it could be improved?

Question 11: Could the overall delivery model be further simplified in a way which still enables SG to meet its strategic priorities for the portfolio, if so how?

Question 12: Do you have specific suggestions as to how the RESAS research strategy can contribute to the delivery of the objectives of the CAMERAS partnership?

Question 13: Do you have any suggestions for developing the partnership with other research funders?

Question 14: Do you have any particular suggestions as to how greater engagement with the HEI sector might be achieved?

Question 15: Are the research outputs from the RESAS portfolio of research readily accessible or can this be further improved, if so how?

Question 16: Is the current performance management approach fit for purpose or can it be improved, if so how?


Email: Research Strategy Consultation Mailbox

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