
Building standards - verifiers management and training and development recording: review

A study to investigate how the recording of training needs identified through the Competency Assessment System (CAS) is managed. Also how the current systems and processes can inform the development of a learning and development hub for the building standards profession.


1 Pentana Software. (It is understood that Pentana is being used as a performance management tool).

2 This is understood to be a virtual learning environment for sharing resources.

3 This is understood to be a web-based portal for viewing personal information.

4 n=8 - This includes 5 responses from those respondents who stated they had undertaken assessments using the new CAS and 3 responses from respondents who stated they had not yet undertaken assessments but felt able to answer the question.

5 Note that the duplication of existing processes was only raised by one authority in the online survey



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