Scottish Government plant health (export certification) fees: review

A review of fees charged for plant health export certification as current fees do not fully cover the cost of the service.

Proposed Changes

7. A number of options were considered in delivering the policy objective of ensuring that the export service to third countries is cost neutral to the Scottish Government, as listed below:

  • Maintain status quo;
  • Streamline the service procedures and introduce fee amendments to achieve full cost recovery in 2018;
  • Remove individual fees and introduce a single fee based on time spent on inspection work.

8. All options are outlined in detail in the Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment ( BRIA), at the end of this consultation document.

9. As well as explaining the options for the removal of subsidies by moving to full cost recovery, the purpose of the consultation is to seek further information on the impact these policy options would have on businesses. You are invited to make comments on the options presented and to propose others that will deliver the Governments’ objective of ensuring that the financial cost of service provision to the general taxpayer is removed.


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