
Review of colorectal cancer quality performance indicators: consultation

Consultation to gather views on NHSScotland's approach to treating colorectal cancer.

11. How to participate in the engagement process

In order to ensure wide inclusiveness of clinical and management colleagues from across NHSScotland, patients affected by colorectal cancer and the wider public, several different methods of engagement are being pursued:

Professional groups, health service staff, voluntary organisations and individuals:

  • Wide circulation of the draft documentation for comment and feedback.

Patient representative groups:

  • Organised patient focus group sessions to be held.

11.1 Submitting your comments

You can submit your comments on the Revised Colorectal Cancer QPIs via the Scottish Government Consultation Hub (website link below):

All responses should be submitted by Friday 7th April 2017.

If you require any further information regarding the engagement process please use the email address below.


11.2 Engagement feedback

At the end of the engagement period, all comments and responses will be collated for review by the Colorectal Cancer QPI Formal Review Group. Those who have participated in the engagement process will receive an overview of the changes made and a copy of the final Colorectal Cancer QPI document.


Email: Chris Booth

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