Residential Rehabilitation Rapid Capacity Programme 2: guidance

Guidance on applying for the Residential Rehabilitation Rapid Capacity Programme 2, which is part of the wider national drugs mission funds.

Annex A: assessment form guidance

The full form can be downloaded from the supporting documents folder. Please complete and return this form to

Recovery fund assessment form: residential rehab capacity programme two

Lead applicant organisation: insert name of lead organisation.

Lead contact/phone/email: provide the name, telephone number and email address for the person who can be contacted about the application. This must be someone from the applicant organisation, not a partner organisation.

Project title: insert project title.

Project reference: officials to complete.

Recommendation: officials to complete.

Section one: policy assesssment

Project details

Project summary

Please provide a clear summary of the project.

  • project proposals can request 100% of the cost of the project. However the investment panel will view project proposals containing evidence of other investment favourably as it indicates stronger support and collaboration
  • additional information on any other costs, e.g. wider programme activities, should only be included within the project description. This is to avoid confusion around what the grant on offer will be used to deliver
  • enter the total project cost to which the RRRCP 2 grant will contribute. Include details on expenditure beyond the funding period (including if multiyear) where possible – e.g. if onward development is planned, how it is expected to be financed
  • note that any grant offered will generally be paid in arrears and must relate to spend actually incurred or legally committed. Please ensure expenditure figures are consistent with start and end dates of the project. Grant cannot be claimed for costs incurred prior to 1 April 2022
Project start date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Start date of the project which should be the date activity/spend commences on the project. We would be asking you, as grantee, to assure by December 2022 that the project will draw down the grant in full by end of March 2023.

Project end date (DD/MM/YYYY)

The end date relates to the physical completion of the project activity (not the date of the final financial grant claim.

Profile of funding 
Profile of funding requested from RRRCP

Revenue costs






Capital costs






Total costs requested






Details of partnership funding*







Not yet confirmed






Total project costs






*please provide further details of partnership funding in your project summary

Assessment Scores - officials to complete:
Summary of scores
  1. Alignment to SG residential rehabilitation priorities


  1. Evidence base


  1. Readiness to deliver in 2021/22


  1. Local authority support and partnership arrangements


  1. Evidence of governance


  1. Legacy, monitoring and reporting on outcomes




Section 1.1: alignment to Scottish Government residential rehab priorities

Officials to complete:

  1. Increase capacity of residential rehabilitation services in underserved areas of the country


  1. Improve pathways for vulnerable groups and those with complex needs



  1. Embed aftercare as a core component of residential rehabilitation and ensure rehab is seen in the context of wider community services and support



  1. Overcome barriers to access (including medication barriers, Mental Health/ Dual Diagnosis, and attitudinal)


  1. Establish clear and sustainable funding pathways


Please use this section to demonstrate how the project proposal aligns with national priorities for residential rehabilitation. These have been informed by the recommendations made by the Residential Rehabilitation Working Group in December 2020.



Section 1.1 score - officials to complete.
Section 1.2: evidence base

This section is your opportunity to provide an overall narrative that reflects back to the points included in the Background and Strategic Context above. You should use this section to highlight the evidence of need for intervention and the type of service model you are proposing as well as which location and community will be impacted. Please also highlight your organisation’s track record for delivering services.

Section 1.2 score: officials to complete.

Section 1.3: readiness to deliver in 2022/23

Please provide clear evidence that the project is ready to commence with practical delivery in 2022-23 (making full use of any offer of grant by end of financial year 2022-23). Please provide details of the key stages of the project delivery and include the date that each stage is due to be completed. 

Please cover, where applicable, things like planning approvals, procurement process and appointment of contractors, the date major contract works will commence (which should ideally be by November 2022), the capital work period and any phases, and the overall completion date related to those capital works.

Demonstrate that work is underway to ensure that any funding required from other sources will be secured, including the timescale for any decisions and likelihood of success. Please note that other named funding organisations are likely to be consulted on your application.

Describe how the project will be managed and monitored to ensure it can be delivered in the timescales that you have indicated. Please provide details on the project’s feasibility, relevant business cases that support RRRCP 2 investment in the project, and the sustainability of the project and its outcomes. Please do not include these documents with the application.

Key project milestones
Date expected







Section 1.3 score: officials to complete.

Section 1.4: local authority support and parternship working

The expectation is that applicants will have involved local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships in planning and developing the project proposal. Please provide evidence of ADP support and buy-in as well as wider Local Government involvement.

Have you developed the project proposal (and plan to deliver it) in partnership with any other organisations/sectors (other public bodies, third sector, private sector)?

Provide details of these partners, their roles in the project, funding contributions and how they will continue to be engaged throughout the delivery of the project and thereafter. Identify any longer term benefits or lasting legacy the partners in your project will bring to the local area as a result.

Describe how other third sector or public organisations will be involved in the roll out of the project, e.g. taking over running of the new asset(s) or public sector providing new/enhanced or additional services.

Evidence to demonstrate contributions from partners is not required at the application stage but you may be asked to provide this if your application is successful.

Section 1.4 score: officials to complete.

Section 1.5: evidence of quality governance

Please use this section to provide evidence of the quality governance of your service and organisation. This relates to the structure and related processes to assure delivery of high-quality, safe and effective services. You should demonstrate how the service will demonstrate clinical effectiveness, staff competencies, risk management, reporting of serious incidents and other near misses, information governance and taking into account service users in planning the delivery of care.

See section A2 in Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management for more information. 

To note: we will be conducting a separate process for due diligence to ensure we are satisfied as to the good standing - financial and otherwise - of the grant recipient and any delivery partners.

Section 1.5 score: officials to complete.

Section 1.6: legacy, monitoring and reporting on outcomes

The RRRCP provides initial capital investment to unblock the delivery of new or improved infrastructure and, where necessary, revenue for up to 2025-26. It does not provide long-term funding and it is therefore important that applicants have appropriate strategies in place to identify how they will ensure the sustainability of the project. 

You should use this section to clarify any relevant discussions, timescales and agreements in place relating to securing and bridging with other funding opportunities to contribute to long-term viability of the project on order to deliver the outcomes anticipated by the project. 

Please provide detail on what information you will collect and how you will continue to monitor and evaluate the project in terms of the outcomes it will deliver. If you are a lead partner in your application, please include information on how you will be supporting the other partner organisation(s) in delivering the project.

State how you will measure the success of the project not just in the terms of the physical infrastructure/changes it will create but also its longer term impact.

We will require monitoring reports for the project to ensure progress towards your desired outputs and outcomes. This section should be used to detail what information you will be collecting to measure those outcomes versus the original intent. We will be looking for annual reporting following the practical completion.
Section 1.6 score: officials to complete.

Follow up calls

Due dilligence

To enable the Scottish Government to make a full assessment of your application we must carry out a due diligence check to assess the financial stability of applicants.

  • how is the organisation funded?
  • detail the contingency plans for the possibility of part (or all) of the organisation’s funding coming to an end
  • provide evidence and detail on regularity of budget monitoring
  • by what frequency does the organisation reconcile their actual expenditure to budgeted expenditure?
  • you should also provide the following documents as an attachment to your application. Please do not embed documents in the application form

All due diligence documents and supporting evidence provided?



the last two years of signed and/or audited financial statements


evidence of formal policies on fraud, bribery and corruption


Partnership Agreement


ADP/IA letter of support


Scoring guidelines

  • 0 - no evidence provided - would not fund
  • 1 - little evidence (little evidence for answer or lack of consideration of answer. Unlikely to be achievable or exhibits concerns about evidence base or basis for proposal) - would not fund
  • 2 - some evidence (exhibits some evidence, but does not full explain or lacks knowledge of evidence) - would not fund
  • 3 - adequate evidence (basic evidence provided, considered thought but not detailed or clearly explained) - would not fund
  • 4 - good evidence (clearly expressed ideas/evidence. Clear understanding of theory/innovation) - would fund
  • 5 - exceptional evidence (in depth detail, clear links to evidence for answer) - would fund
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