Out of home businesses - marketing strategies: research

A report on research using ‘mystery shoppers’ to understand price and placement marketing strategies used within premises and online by out of home businesses in Scotland. The research included observation of whether or not calorie information was present at the point of purchase.

3. Overview of promotions used

Table 3.1 provides a broad overview of the marketing strategies and promotions identified during the visits. Subsequent chapters provide more detail on which types of outlets were using which strategies and what types of product were being promoted.

The most common marketing strategies recorded were the prominent placement of items near the till (69% in-premise visits), meal deals (54% in-premise and 35% online visits) and price promotions (44% in-premise and 25% online visits).

Table 3.1: Types of promotions used
  % of visits where strategy identified (in-premise) % of visits where strategy identified (online)
Base: all eligible visits 1-3: base 158 visits 4: base 316 visits 5: base 150 visits 20
1. Prominent placement of items near till 69 n/a
2. Meal deals 54 35
3. Price promotions (not including meal deals) 44 25
4. 'Upselling' (encouragement to purchase additional items either verbally by a member of staff or via an online prompt) 42 35
5. 'Upsizing' (encouragement to buy a larger size, either verbally by a member of staff or via an online prompt) 28 5


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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