
Lived experience of fuel poverty: research

Qualitative research into the lived experience of fuel poverty in Scotland.

Appendix B: Profile of achieved sample

Table B: Location
Number of participants
Large urban 13
Other urban / non-remote rural 16
Remote rural 11
Total 40
Table C: Dwelling type
Number of participants
Detached house 9
Semi-detached house 6
Terraced house 10
Tenement 7
4 in a block / other flats 8
Total 40
Table D: Tenure
Owner occupier 17
Renting from local authority or housing association 13
Renting from private landlord 10
Total 40
Table E: Household composition
Adults over 35 with no children at home 31
Children aged 6-16 in households 5
Children aged 5 and under household 3
Young adult households (under 35 with no children) 1
Total 40
Table F: Main heating type/fuel source
Number of participants
Gas central heating with radiators 27
Oil central heating with radiators 4
Electric heaters / storage heaters 4
Solid fuel (coal, wood) 3
Under floor heating (wet/electric) 2
Total 40
Table G: Age
Number of participants
20-39 7
40-59 8
60-74 21
75+ 4
Total 40
Table H: Fuel poverty status
Number of participants
Fuel poverty (not extreme) 22
Extreme fuel poverty 18
Total 40
Table I: Enhanced Heating Regime
Number of participants
Households where an Enhanced Heating Regime was applicable 27
Households where an Enhanced Heating Regime was not applicable 13
Total 40
Table J: Health and disability
Number of participants
Had a disability or chronic health condition 17
Someone else in the household had a disability or chronic health condition 5
Table K: Ethnicity
Number of participants
White 38
Black and Minority Ethnic 2
Total 40



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