Rehabilitation and recovery: a person-centred approach

This paper presents the Once for Scotland approach to rehabilitation in a post-COVID era that is based on six principles of good rehabilitation. It aims to support individuals to live well with long-term conditions and ensure they can access rehabilitation that is personalised and outcome-focused.

9. Delivery and Outcomes

Collaboration and engagement with stakeholders across sectors is essential to deliver the ambition of the Once for Scotland approach. This aims to make rehabilitation available to everyone at the point of need, at a time, place and in a format that is accessible and appropriate to them.

To deliver this Scottish Government will:

  • Ask stakeholders (including NHS boards and HSCPs) to identify a rehabilitation lead within their organisation to help lead on the delivery of the recommendations set out here.
  • Set up national work streams as part of a national improvement programme for rehabilitation.
  • Embed the findings from the Equality Impact Assessment across all work streams.
  • Work with people with lived experience to ensure that the Once for Scotland approach to rehabilitation is inclusive and meets needs of all, including seldom heard groups.
  • Invite rehabilitation leaders and innovators across sectors to lead on specific workstreams.
  • Develop clear reporting and accountability arrangements to ensure delivery of the recommendations.
  • Support the development and use of research, evaluation and evidence-based practice within rehabilitation.
  • Develop data sets on rehabilitation provision. This will provide a fuller picture of the landscape in terms of the availability of the rehabilitation workforce, the number of individuals accessing rehabilitation and the types of rehabilitation they access.
  • Establish an implementation and delivery plan with the support of working groups who will have representation from across sectors.



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