
Registration of Civil Partnerships, Same Sex Marriage: Consultation Analysis

This report presents the analysis of responses received in reaction to the Scottish Government consultation on same sex marriage and the religious registration of civil partnership. The consultation closed on 9th December 2011.



Action of Churches Together Scotland
Affirmation Scotland
AniRinchenKhandro (Kagyu SamyeDzong Edinburgh)
Apostolic Church
Assemblies of God
Association of Pension Lawyers
Association of Registrars of Scotland
Baha'i Council for Scotland
Baptist Union of Scotland
British Association for Adoption and Fostering
Centre for Research on Families and Relationships
Children 1st
Children in Scotland
Church of Christ
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church)
Church of Scotland
Church of the Nazarene
Christian Brethren
Christian Institute
Confederation of British Industry Scotland
Congregational Federation
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (and all local authority Chief Executives)
Edinburgh Inter Faith Association
Elim Pentecostal Church
Episcopal Church in Scotland
Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland
Equality Network
Evangelical Alliance
Faculty of Advocates
Families need Fathers
Family Law Association
Federation of Small Businesses, Scotland
Fife Buddhist Group
Forum of Private Business
Free Church of Scotland
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association
Glasgow Jewish Educational Forum
Hindu Temple of Scotland
Humanist Society Scotland
Institute of Directors Scotland
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group
Law Society of Scotland
Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement
LGBT National Youth Council
LGBT Network
LGBT Youth Scotland
Liberal Jewish Community
Margo MacDonald MSP
Members of the European Parliament representing Scotland
Methodist Church in Scotland
Metropolitan Community Church
Muslim Council of Scotland
National Records of Scotland
NUS Scotland
Pagan Federation of Scotland
Pensions Advisory Service
Pensions Regulator
Plymouth Brethren No 4
Quaker Lesbian and Gay Fellowship
Reformed Judaism
Relationships Scotland
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Roman Catholic Church
Salvation Army
Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People
Scottish Chambers of Commerce
Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Scottish Council of Jewish Communities
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
Scottish Court Service
Scottish Episcopal Church
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Human Rights Commission
Scottish Inter Faith Council
Scottish Labour Party
Scottish Law Commission
Scottish Legal Aid Board
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Scottish Marriage Care
Scottish National Party
Scottish Rainbow Covenant
Scottish Trade Union Congress
Scottish Transgender Alliance
Scottish Unitarian Association
Scottish Women's Aid
Scottish Youth Parliament
Seventh-Day Adventists
Sheriffs' Association
Scottish Sikh Women's Association)
Sikhs in Scotland
Spiritualists' National Union
Stonewall Scotland
United Free Church of Scotland
United Reformed Church
The Venerable Rewatha (Scotland's Buddhist Vihara)
Visit Scotland


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