Reducing the Drink Driving Limit in Scotland Analysis of Consultation Responses

This is the analysis of consultation responses

6 Other Comments

6.1 A number of respondents provided additional comments in their consultation response.

6.2 Some of the organisations included background information on their organisation to help set the context in which they were responding.

6.3 Ten individuals commented that the proposals are unfair to the law abiding and / or made negative comments on government interference or a nanny state.

6.4 There were comments in support of the proposals and some respondents welcomed the opportunity to respond to the consultation.

6.5 Two respondents in the health sector noted their support or endorsement of the submission from SHAAP.

6.6 Other comments made by small numbers of respondents were as follows:

  • Negative comments on the questions asked in the consultation paper; such as poorly worded, using emotive terminology and language (four respondents, all individuals);
  • Concern over the lack of alternative options in the consultation paper (an 'other' organisation).

6.7 A number of respondents provided a number of examples or best practice from other parts of the UK, Europe and from further afield such as Australia.

6.8 An individual also provided additional documentation with details of the tolerance levels in different countries, together with information on countries with different tolerance levels for holders of provisional licences or where age limits and inexperience are taken into account to restrict drivers more so than other qualified drivers.


Email: Jim Wilson

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