
Recorded Crime in Scotland: November 2020

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for November 2020.


Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020

Table 2: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020

Table 3: Crimes recorded by the police by local authority, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020

Table 4: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, April to November 2019 and April to November 2020

Table 5: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, April to November 2019 and April to November 2020

Notes for these tables

  • The symbol 'n/r' is used to denote where a percentage change figure is not reported. This is done if the denominator is less than ten as any resulting figure may be misleading.
  • Please note that tables 1, 2, 4 and 5 can be accessed at local authority level online via the following link:
Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020
Crime group November % Change since
2019 2020 November 2019
Total crimes1 20,087 20,331 1%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 822 738 -10%
Homicide etc. 11 5 -55%
Attempted murder & serious assault 327 263 -20%
Robbery 167 158 -5%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 140 146 4%
Other violence 177 166 -6%
Sexual crimes 1,211 1,105 -9%
Rape & attempted rape 235 187 -20%
Sexual assault 437 385 -12%
Crimes associated with prostitution 7 7 n/r
Other sexual crimes 532 526 -1%
Crimes of dishonesty 8,875 8,411 -5%
Housebreaking 1,018 824 -19%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 142 103 -27%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 195 167 -14%
Theft of a motor vehicle 378 395 4%
Shoplifting 2,505 1,949 -22%
Other theft 3,336 2,974 -11%
Fraud 885 1,577 78%
Other dishonesty 416 422 1%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 4,024 3,904 -3%
Fire-raising 246 260 6%
Vandalism etc. 3,778 3,644 -4%
Other crimes 5,155 6,173 20%
Crimes against public justice 1,561 2,159 38%
Handling offensive weapons 774 793 2%
Not used in other criminal activity 379 350 -8%
Used in other criminal activity 395 443 12%
Drugs 2,800 3,203 14%
Other 20 18 -10%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section for more information.

Table 2: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020
Crime group November % Change since
2019 2020 November 2019
Total offences 20,135 20,443 2%
Miscellaneous offences 10,361 10,047 -3%
Common assault 4,653 4,356 -6%
Breach of the peace etc. 4,059 3,914 -4%
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 383 430 12%
Urinating etc. 187 39 -79%
Other miscellaneous offences 1,079 1,308 21%
Motor vehicle offences 9,774 10,396 6%
Dangerous and careless driving 989 942 -5%
Driving under the influence 622 719 16%
Speeding 2,102 2,075 -1%
Unlawful use of vehicle 3,223 3,975 23%
Vehicle defect offences 512 583 14%
Seat belt offences 165 131 -21%
Mobile phone offences 165 115 -30%
Other motor vehicle offences 1,996 1,856 -7%
Table 3: Crimes recorded by the police by local authority, Scotland, November 2019 and November 2020
November Change since
2019 2020 November 2019
Aberdeen City 871 943 8%
Aberdeenshire 556 559 1%
Angus 269 270 0%
Argyll & Bute 216 190 -12%
Clackmannanshire 216 244 13%
Dumfries & Galloway 462 554 20%
Dundee City 825 906 10%
East Ayrshire 546 457 -16%
East Dunbartonshire 222 268 21%
East Lothian 322 363 13%
East Renfrewshire 169 186 10%
Edinburgh City 2,460 2,269 -8%
Falkirk 618 587 -5%
Fife 1,128 1,210 7%
Glasgow City 3,594 3,192 -11%
Highland 555 556 0%
Inverclyde 312 394 26%
Midlothian 255 364 43%
Moray 236 217 -8%
Na h-Eileanan Siar 36 48 33%
North Ayrshire 462 623 35%
North Lanarkshire 1,651 1,464 -11%
Orkney Islands 20 29 45%
Perth & Kinross 364 430 18%
Renfrewshire 645 680 5%
Scottish Borders 249 312 25%
Shetland Islands 43 34 -21%
South Ayrshire 371 451 22%
South Lanarkshire 1,206 1,140 -5%
Stirling 276 256 -7%
West Dunbartonshire 320 448 40%
West Lothian 612 687 12%
Scotland1 20,087 20,331 1%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section for more information.

Table 4: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, April to November 2019 and April to November 2020
Crime group April to November 2019 April to November 2020 % Change since 2019
Total crimes1 168,304 158,333 -6%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 6,468 5,979 -8%
Homicide etc. 88 66 -25%
Attempted murder & serious assault 2,925 2,421 -17%
Robbery 1,156 1,175 2%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 1,166 1,039 -11%
Other violence 1,133 1,278 13%
Sexual crimes 9,191 8,584 -7%
Rape & attempted rape 1,674 1,534 -8%
Sexual assault 3,462 2,711 -22%
Crimes associated with prostitution 65 29 -55%
Other sexual crimes 3,990 4,310 8%
Crimes of dishonesty 75,215 65,037 -14%
Housebreaking 8,505 7,044 -17%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 1,174 826 -30%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 1,865 1,508 -19%
Theft of a motor vehicle 3,313 3,026 -9%
Shoplifting 21,338 14,296 -33%
Other theft 28,843 23,589 -18%
Fraud 6,974 11,410 64%
Other dishonesty 3,203 3,338 4%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 32,719 29,155 -11%
Fire-raising 1,875 1,852 -1%
Vandalism etc. 30,844 27,303 -11%
Other crimes 44,711 49,578 11%
Crimes against public justice 12,992 17,440 34%
Handling offensive weapons 6,697 7,219 8%
Not used in other criminal activity 3,095 3,313 7%
Used in other criminal activity 3,602 3,906 8%
Drugs 24,876 24,804 0%
Other 146 115 -21%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section for more information.

Table 5: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, April to November 2019 and April to November 2020
Crime group April to November 2019 April to November 2020 % Change since 2019
Total offences 171,442 161,593 -6%
Miscellaneous offences 88,910 87,360 -2%
Common assault 39,299 35,927 -9%
Breach of the peace etc. 34,965 35,320 1%
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 4,160 4,476 8%
Urinating etc. 1,600 680 -58%
Other miscellaneous offences 8,886 10,957 23%
Motor vehicle offences 82,532 74,233 -10%
Dangerous and careless driving 7,764 7,777 0%
Driving under the influence 4,233 5,783 37%
Speeding 20,568 14,589 -29%
Unlawful use of vehicle 25,668 26,062 2%
Vehicle defect offences 4,710 4,377 -7%
Seat belt offences 2,137 1,299 -39%
Mobile phone offences 1,756 1,218 -31%
Other motor vehicle offences 15,696 13,128 -16%



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