
Whole Family Approach: rapid review of literature

Reviews the evidence on Whole Family Approaches to family support, focussing on examples of best practice in the context of substance use and implications for the training and learning development of substance use practitioners and wider workforce.

Appendix A: Search Strategy

Search Inclusion Criteria:

Initial Query:

("Whole family" or "Whole family approach" or "whole-family approach" or "family focussed practice" or "family inclusive practice" or "caringscapes" or "family practice" or "family solutions" or "Think Family" or "family group conferencing" or "family-based intervention")

Broader Query:

("Whole family" or "whole family approach" or "family inclusive practice" or "family inclusion" or "family support" or "family practice" or "family social work" or "family-based support services" or "relationship-based practice" or "family-based interventions" or "caringscapes" or "family-minded practice" or "family orientated practice" or "family solutions" or "Think Family" or "family group conferencing" or "family group decision-making" or "Child welfare" or "Child protection")

Core Principles of the WFA:

("co-operation" or "recognition" or "empowerment" or "trauma" or "trauma-informed" or "inclusion" or "involved" or "rights" or "partnership" or "advocacy" or "coproduction" or "participation" or "collaboration" or "strengths" or "asset" or "preventative" or "workforce")

What works:

("Outcomes" or "wellbeing" or "support" or "recovery" or "potential")


("Substance use" or "substance misuse" or "substance abuse" or "drug addiction" or "drug use" or "drug misuse")

Full search:

("Whole family" or "Whole family approach" or "whole-family approach" or "family focussed practice" or "family inclusive practice" or "caringscapes" or "family practice" or "family solutions" or "Think Family" or "family group conferencing" or "family-based intervention") and ("Substance use" or "substance misuse" or "substance abuse" or "drug addiction" or "drug u



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