
Proposed changes to pre-application consultation requirements: consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to the pre-application consultation (PAC) requirements in planning.

Timing and Transitional Arrangements

48. As noted in paragraph 10, there is currently no time limit to submit an application following a PAC. Developers may therefore have planned long lead-in times, or may be waiting for other issues to fall into place before making an application.

49. We propose to bring into force the requirement for an application to be made within 18 months of the PAN at the same time as the other changes set out in this paper. In order not to disadvantage parties who have started PAC prior to the proposed changes being introduced, the intention is that where a prospective applicant served a PAN before the time limit comes into force, they will have 18 months from the coming into force date to make an application.

50. The other changes to the PAC requirements will apply to any application for which the PAN was served after the coming into force date of the regulations. Exemptions would apply to qualifying cases from the coming into force date.

Q13. Do you agree with the proposed transitional arrangements for bringing into force the new PAC requirements, including the time limit for making applications to which PAC requirements apply?

Yes No No view

Please comment on your answer (particularly if you do not agree).




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