Fairer Scotland for disabled people: progress report

This report for A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People sets out the progress made on the 93 actions in the original report.


A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People has laid the groundwork for further progress towards equality. Over the past 5 years, in many different areas, good work that promotes and progresses the rights of disabled people has been taken forward.  The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a disproportionate impact on disabled people and has halted some of the gains made towards equality. However, it has in some situations seen positive progress made at a rapid pace and has brought about a wider public awareness of inequality. 

To achieve equality will take more time, but the work undertaken is a good start. The next Scottish Government will have the recommendations of the Social Renewal Advisory Board and the Independent Review of Adult Social Care to consider, both of which are significantly focused on the promotion of equality and a human rights approach. In addition the National Taskforce for Human Rights recommendation to incorporate UNCRPD, as part of a new and comprehensive statutory human rights framework to be taken forward in the next Parliamentary term will further underpin the rights of disabled people in Scotland.


Email: annie.milovic@gov.scot

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