
Provision of Communication Equipment and Support: Part 4 of the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016: progress report 2019

Report on progress since commencement of Part 4 of the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 - Provision of Communication Equipment in March 2019.

Annex F

Data and Evidence Workshop for Health Boards in December 2018 – Key Outcomes

Outcomes From the Workshop

  • recognition of primary care as the only location with the potential to identify the whole population of people who need and use AAC, recognising Read Codes[15] are available but these are not routinely coded or recorded.
  • the aspiration for clinicians is to have a system where data can be entered once but can be shared across other systems.
  • a plea from clinicians and managers for a clear narrative on why collecting the right data is important, an understanding of the contribution clinicians can make to robust data, and clarity on the benefits they can expect from data outputs for their clients and service provision.
  • recognition that AAC developments are not within the existing eHealth programme and there is no capacity within these arrangements to include this in national data capture at present.
  • further work was needed to develop the information shared across practitioners and managers as the basis for a minimum dataset. The dataset is a specified set of data items which would be recorded consistently for each AAC service user".



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