Procurement - print and associated services framework 2023
- Published
- 17 May 2023
- Directorate
- Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
- Topic
- Public sector
Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the contract.
Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: live
Dates of contract: 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2027
Category: media, marketing, design and print
This multi-lot framework is for the supply of print and associated services. The framework is broken down into two lots:
- lot 1 - litho /digital / web print services (multi supplier)
- lot 3 - special print services - special labels (multi supplier)
What is in scope
Requirements within this framework will include:
- printing and related services
- printing and delivery services
- printing and distribution services
- printed matter and related products
- printed material ranging from low volume leaflets – to prestigious 'Flagship Publications', books, directories, brochures/flyers, booklets
- printed stationery except forms
- production management, brochures/flyers, postcards, burst bound books, posters, business stationery, reports, magazines, newsletters, certificates, forms, pads, reprographics service, proofing, finishing, stockholding, customer guidance, web-to-print
- special labels (lot 3)
What is out of scope
The framework does not cover:
- design services
- publishing services
- purchase of print machinery/equipment
- core Scottish Government publications
Who can use this
This framework can be used by:
- central government
- health
- local authorities
- police and fire
- universities and colleges
- third sector (voluntary organisations and charities registered in Scotland
- other public bodies
Further information about agencies of the Scottish Ministers and offices in the Scottish administration which are not ministerial offices is available from the national public bodies directory
Note: It is the responsibility of any framework public body organisation wishing to use the framework agreement to satisfy itself that it is eligible to do so. Entitlement guidance on this can be found in Annex A of our guidance on framework agreements. If there is any doubt, legal advice should be sought.
See the find a tender notice
The benefits of this framework include:
- opportunity to have a co-ordinated approach throughout public sector organisations
- opportunity to learn and liaise with other partners and share best practice
Value for money savings to be realised through the collaborative use of this framework – the rates quoted are maximum and the use of mini-competitions has the potential for increasing value for money savings.
Contract award documents
Please see the following contract award notice for full details:
To be advised.
Further information
We are currently working on accessible versions of the buyer guides for this framework. If you would like a copy of the guides before this, please email
See the attached call-off guide for more information.
See: all Scottish Government frameworks and contracts.
Information regarding pricing and terms and conditions can now be found on Knowledge Hub.
If you are not registered to access this site and are eligible to use the framework please complete the registration form and send to the contact below.
Please note that framework terms and pricing should be treated as commercially confidential and must not be shared with anyone outside your organisation without the prior approval of Scottish Procurement.
All other enquiries in relation to this framework agreement should be directed to the procurement contact named below.
Neil MacTavish
Senior Portfolio Specialist
Phone: 0141 242 5589
Marta Sito
Portfolio Specialist
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