Procurement - executive and senior specialist search and associated recruitment services framework: guidance

Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the framework agreements.


Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: live
Dates of contract: 30 June 2022 to 29 June 2025 (plus 12-month extension) 
Category: Professional services - national


The third generation Executive and Senior Specialist Search and Associated Recruitment Services framework agreement consists of six lots that can be used by Scottish Public Sector Bodies. 

  • executive search roles >£100K
  • executive search roles £65K - £100K
  • senior specialist search roles £40K - £65K
  • non remunerated Chairs of Court and members of governing committees and boards
  • International roles for overseas locations 
  • recruitment related services

Call-off contracts may be awarded under this framework agreement in one of three ways:

  • by the direct award ranked process
  • by desktop evaluation tool
  • by mini-competition 

What is in scope

The following types of recruitment services can be procured via this framework agreement:

  • executive and head-hunter candidate search services
  • senior specialist candidate search
  • search for non-remunerated ‘Chairs’ and members of governing committees and boards
  • international candidate search for roles based in overseas locations
  • recruitment related services

What is out of scope

  • temporary staff recruitment
  • consultancy

Who can use this

  • central government
  • fire
  • health
  • local authorities
  • police
  • universities and colleges
  • third sector
  • other public bodies

Note: It is the responsibility of any buying organisation wishing to use the framework agreement to satisfy itself that it is eligible to do so.

Entitlement can be established from the terms of the OJEU advert and guidance on this can be found in annex A of our guidance on framework agreements.


Benefits from public bodies using this framework agreement include:

  • a pre-competed and compliant route to market providing a vehicle to centralise procurement spend
  • ceiling rates/maximum pricing defined and agreed for the duration of the Framework Agreement. This pricing can be reduced further at time of mini competition
  • provides flexibility to Institutions to determine specific requirements at call-off contract in line with the Framework Agreement specification
  • reduction in administrative costs and efforts
  • effective reporting mechanism to obtain accurate, timely and relevant management information
  • responsible procurement activity is embedded where relevant and appropriate
  • pre-defined and agreed terms and conditions
  • shared risk and management of contractors


Full details of list of suppliers available can be obtained on the Knowledge Hub

Further information

See: all Scottish Government frameworks and contracts.

Buyers Guide information including pricing and terms and conditions for the framework agreement can be found on the Knowledge Hub.

If you are not registered to access the Knowledge Hub and are eligible to use the framework please complete the registration form and send the contacts listed below.



Graeme Kerr, Sourcing Manager, Corporate & Labs Category, APUC
Phone: 0131 573 7694

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