The Potential of Existing Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Surveys to Support the Commonwealth Games 2014 Legacy Evaluation

The review focusses on data sources not already in use in the evaluation (eg in the baseline report or on the Assessing Legacy website) that could shed insight into the extent to which Scotland’s games legacy ambitions are met over time, especially in the areas of sports participation; volunteering; cultural engagement and civic pride.


Understanding Society


Study name

Understanding Society (The UK Household Longitudinal Study)

Organisation responsible for study

Funded by the ESRC and run by Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex

Description of study

Largest UK longitudinal survey covering a range of topics.

Type of study

Longitudinal Survey

Target population

Individuals. (Information is collected from all adults within households of sample members: by CAPI and self-completion paper questionnaire for 16+, and self-completion for 10-15 year olds)*1

Frequency of data collection


Planned future waves

Yes - 10 waves planned 2009-2018

Possibility of adding questions

Reasonably likely (alongside UK Government departments, the Scottish Government provides funding for the survey)

Geographical Coverage



Wave 1 (2009)
(Panel recruitment)

Wave 2 (2010)

Wave 3 (2011)

Wave 4 (2012)




Information not yet released

Information not yet released

In Scotland

Approx 2260

Approx 2880


Not available

Not available

East End of Glasgow

Not available

Not available

(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Government Office Regions, Local Authority, datazones, Health Boards, Community Health Partnerships (special license needed to access).


Sampling frame

Small user Postcode Address File (PAF) covering the whole of Britain, including north of the Caledonian Canal.

Sampling methodology

The general public sample was based on a proportionally stratified, clustered, equal probability sample of residential addresses. In Scotland, England and Wales the sample was drawn in two stages. The first stage involved selecting the Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) - postcode sectors or groups of postcode sectors. The second stage selected addresses within each PSU. The Northern Irish sample was drawn separately and is unclustered.

The survey also contained a boost ethnic minority sample.

Mode of data collection

Face to face interviewing (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) - household and adult interviews. Paper self-completion for youth surveys (10-15 years old). In Wave 2 the British Household Panel was incorporated, a very small number of this panel wished to complete by telephone.

Response rates

Wave 1 54% (57% general public sample 40% ethnic minority boost sample), Wave 2 76% (77% general public sample 68% ethnic minority boost sample)


Main topics covered

Family, relationships, fertility and child-birth history; health, disability and caring; employment, finance and personal consumption; ethnicity, discrimination, politics and the environment; beliefs and values and attitudes.

Youth self-completion questionnaires included questions about health, behaviours, school, neighbourhood, families, hopes and concerns

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

How frequently take part in physical activity, walking frequency and pace; participation in different types of sport, sports club membership (waves 2, 5 and 8); access and barriers to sporting and leisure facilities (wave 2)

10-15 year olds

Participation in leisure/activities outside school (all waves); method of travel to school (waves 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10); frequency of physical activity


Participation in volunteering, time spent volunteering (waves 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10)

Cultural Engagement

Participation in, and frequency of, cultural activities (waves 2, 5 and 8)

Civic Pride

Attitudes towards neighbours, perceptions of neighbourhood and local services (waves 3, 6 and 9); group/organisation membership (waves 3, 6 and 9); neighbourhood belonging (waves 1, 3, 6 and 9)

10-15 year olds

Like/dislike of local neighbourhood (waves 3, 5 , 7 and 9)

Commonwealth Games/ Olympics

Ways the Olympic Games were followed, involvement in the Olympic Games (wave 4)

Demographic/contextual questions

Basic demographics, employment, self-assessed health, disability, household finances, urban/rural classification


Wave 1 & 2 User Guide:

Wave 1 Technical report:

Wave 2 Technical report:

Wave 1 - 4 questionnaires:

Understanding Society: Early findings

Understanding Society: 2012 findings

Paper released showing comparability of survey with region populations



Data Linkage

Asks for consent to link to health and education records.


"As with other household panel surveys, the sample for Understanding Society is a sample of individual persons. At each wave data are collected regarding the whole household of each sample member in order to provide understanding of the household context of each sample member." See


High applicability. This survey will be an extremely useful source of information as it contains many relevant questions and is representative at a Scotland level. The sample size is large enough to conduct subgroup analysis among equalities groups.

Questionnaire wording - Understanding Society

Sample size



Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions (include var. names)

How many days in a usual week do you play sports, do aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? YPPSPRT

What is the main way you usually travel to school? YPTRVL2SCH

I'd like you to think about all the walking you have done in the past four weeks either locally or away from here {if CAPI} / home {if CATI}.

Please include any country walks, walking to and from work or college and any other walks that you have done. In the past four weeks, have you done a continuous walk that lasted at least 10 minutes? That is, since [DOI - 4 weeks]. Wlk10m

During the past four weeks, on how many days did you do a walk of at least 10 minutes? That is, since [DOI - 4 weeks]. Daywlk

Which of the following best describes your usual walking pace...? Walkpace

Here is a list of types of sporting activities. Please tell me which ones, if any, you have done in the last 12 months? Sports1

And have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? Please include ALL the sports activities you have done. If there are any other sport activities you want to mention, just let me know which ones. Sports2

You said you have done [LIST OF SELECTIONS FROM SPORTS1 + SPORTS2]. How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport {if one sport mentioned at SPORTS1/SPORTS2} / all of these sports {if more than one sport mentioned at SPORTS1/SPORTS2}? If there is a 'peak season' for some of the sports then please bear this in mind when thinking of your answer. Sportsfreq

Lastly, have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? Sports3

Are you currently a member of a sports club to do this sport {if one sport mentioned at SPORTS1/SPORTS2/SPORTS3} / to do at least one of these sports {if more than one sport mentioned at SPORTS1/SPORTS2/SPORTS3}? Club

Please look at this card and tell me how easy or difficult you would find it to get to a sports or leisure facility including leisure centre, recreation ground or park, if you wanted to participate in sports and leisure activities? Access

Please look at this card and tell me what makes it difficult for you to get to a sports or leisure facility in order to participate in sports or other activities when and where you want to? Acc1to16

Approx 2,650 in Wave 2 (UK)

Approx 2,650 in Wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2,

5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

wave 2



Including any time spent at home or elsewhere, about how often over the last 12 months have you generally done something to help any of these organisations? Volfreq

And in the last 4 weeks approximately how many hours have you spent doing unpaid or voluntary work for any organisation? Volhrs

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

waves 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

waves 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

Cultural Engagement

I am now going to ask you about activities that you may have done in the last 12 months. In the last 12 months, have you done any of these activities? Please only include activities done in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work. Arts1a

And in the last 12 months, have you done any of these activities? (Please only include activities done in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work.) Arts1b

You said you have done [LIST SELECTIONS FROM ARTS1A + ARTS1B]. Thinking about this activity {if one activity mentioned at ARTS1A/ARTS1B} / all these activities {if more than one activity mentioned at ARTS1A/ARTS1B}, how often in the last 12 months have you done activities like this? Remember only include activities done in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work. Arts1freq

In the last 12 months, have you been to any of these events? (Please only include events attended in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work.) Arts2a

And in the last 12 months, have you been to any of these events? (Please only include events attended in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work. Arts2b

You said you had been to [LIST OF SELECTIONS FROM ARTS2A + ARTS2B]. Thinking about this event {if one event mentioned at ARTS2A/ARTS2B} / all these events {if more than one event mentioned at ARTS2A/ARTS2B}, how often in the last 12 months have you been to events such as this? Remember only include events attended in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work. Arts2freq

During the last 12 months, have you done any of the following at least once? Please only include activities done in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work. Mla

Please tell me how often in the last 12 months you have used a public library? (Again only include if used in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work) Libfreq

Please tell me how often in the last 12 months you have been to an archive or records office? (Again only include if used in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work) Archfreq

Please tell me how often in the last 12 months you have visited a museum or gallery? (Again only include if used in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work) Musfreq

Here is a list of types of historical sites. Please tell me which ones you have visited in the last 12 months? Please only include activities done in your own time or for the purpose of voluntary work or for academic study. Heritage

You said you had visited [LIST OF SELECTIONS FROM HERITAGE]. Thinking about this visit {if one visit mentioned at HERITAGE} / all of these visits {if more than one visit mentioned at HERITAGE}, how often in the last 12 months have you visited places like this? Again only include places you have visited in your own time or for the purposes of voluntary work or academic study. Herfreq

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39000 in wave 2 (UK)

Approx 39,000 in wave 2 (UK)

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

waves 2, 5 and 8

Waves 2, 5 and 8

Civic Pride

Next, here are some statements about neighbourhoods

Please tick the box that indicates how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement

  • I feel like I belong to this neighbourhood. SCOPNGBHA
  • The friendships and associations I have with other people in my neighbourhood mean a lot to me. SCOPNGBHB
  • If I needed advice about something I could go to someone in my neighbourhood. SCOPNGBHC
  • I borrow things and exchange favours with my neighbours. SCOPNGBHD
  • I would be willing to work together with others on something to improve my neighbourhood. SCOPNGBHE
  • I plan to remain a resident of this neighbourhood for a number of years. SCOPNGBHF
  • I like to think of myself as similar to the people who live in this neighbourhood. SCOPNGBHG
  • I regularly stop and talk with people in my neighbourhood. SCOPNGBHH

Overall, do you like living in this neighbourhood? LLKNBRD

I'm going to read out a list of facilities and services in your local area. For each one please tell me whether you consider your local area services to be excellent, very good, fair or poor?

Primary schools LOCSERAP

Secondary schools LOCSERAS

Medical facilities LOCSERB

Shopping facilities LOCSERD

Leisure facilities LOCSERE

I am going to read out a set of statements that could be true about your neighbourhood. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree that each statement describes your neighbourhood.

First, this is a close-knit neighbourhood NBRCOH1

People around here are willing to help their neighbours. NBRCOH2

People in this neighbourhood can be trusted.NBRCOH3

People in this neighbourhood generally don't get along with each other. NBRCOH4

Are you currently a member of any of the kinds of organisations on this card? ORG

Which ones? ORGM

Whether you are a member or not, do you join in the activities of any of these organisations on a regular basis? ORGA

Overall, do you like living in this neighbourhood? (No variable name included in questionnaire)

Approx 40,500 in wave 1 (UK)

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Info not yet available

Waves 1, 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

waves 3, 6 and 9

Waves 3, 5, 7 and 9

Life Opportunities Survey


Study name

Life Opportunities Survey

Organisation responsible for study

Department for Work and Pensions

Description of study

The survey compares how disabled and non-disabled people participate in society in a number of areas, including education and training, employment, transport, leisure, social and cultural activities, and social contact.

Type of study


Target population

Disabled and non-disabled in GB (Interviews attempted with all adults in each household and proxy interviews for people aged 11-15)

Frequency of data collection


Planned future waves

Funding for the survey is granted on a wave by wave basis so no set lifespan. However the survey was set up in view of the Government's goal for achieving equality for disabled people in the UK by 2025, so future waves are very likely.

Possibility of adding questions

Unlikely - study focused primarily on disability issues and at the UK level

Geographical Coverage



Wave 1
Jun '09-Mar '11

Wave 2
June '10-Mar'12




In Scotland






East End of Glasgow



(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Urban/rural, Government Office Regions


Sample frame

Postcode Address File

Sampling method

Random, single-stage unclustered sample of address selected from Postal Address File at Wave 1. Households split into three groups for wave 2 follow-ups (those with adults with impairments, a control group, and households with 'onset-screening' adults). Not all household selected for interview at Wave 2.

Mode of data collection

Face to Face interviewing (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing)

Response rates

Wave 1 - 59%. Wave 2 - 73%


Main topics covered

Learning, work, economic life, transport, community, leisure and civic life, accessibility (inside & outside home), services & policies, domestic life, caring for others, discrimination, crime, social contact, impairments and health conditions, income, benefits, quality of life.

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

Interest in playing sport; amount of sport (generally - not individual sports) played over last 12 months; factors hindering playing of more sport; experience of difficulties accessing sports, culture and leisure services; Causes of these difficulties

(All questions asked in both waves).


Interest in charitable and voluntary work; amount of charitable and voluntary work done over last 12 months; actors hindering chartable and voluntary work

(All questions asked in both waves).

Cultural Engagement

Interest in going to: a museum or place of historic interest; theatre cinema or other arts activity; and library or archive. Amount of these activities done over last 12 months. Factors hindering visits to: museums or places of historic interest; theatre or others arts activity; library or archive

(All questions asked in both waves).

Civic Pride


Commonwealth Games/ Olympics


Demographic/contextual questions

Household members, accommodation, tenure, nationality, country of birth, national identity, ethnicity, sexual identity, religion, period at current address, health, smoking, participation in government training schemes, employment, looking for work, education, Index of Multiple Deprivation


Latest findings from the survey (2010-2012):
Wave 1 results (2009/11):

Wave 1 technical report:

Wave 2 interim technical report:




Medium applicability. The questions in this survey focus primarily on issues related to disability, and could be used to explore changes among the disabled. The sample size is large enough to conduct subgroup analysis among other equalities groups as well, although pregnancy/maternity is not recorded.

Questionnaire wording - Life Opportunities Survey

All questions asked each wave

Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions

Q182: In an ideal world, where you were able to do whatever you like, which of the things on this card would you be interested in doing? [list presented to respondents includes: Playing sport]

Q183: Looking at the card again, in the last 12 months, which things have you done as much as you would like?

Q190: What is stopping you from playing sport (more)?

Q191: [asked if answer given at Q190 is 'other'] Please specify what is stopping you from playing sport (more).

Q227: In the last 12 months, how much difficulty did you have accessing culture, sports and leisure services?

Q228: What caused you difficulty accessing culture, sports and leisure services?

Q229: [asked in answer given at Q228 is 'other'] Please specify what caused you difficulty


Q182: In an ideal world, where you were able to do whatever you like, which of the things on this card would you be interested in doing? [list presented to respondents includes Charitable or voluntary work]

Q183: Looking at the card again, in the last 12 months, which things have you done as much as you would like?

Q192: What is stopping you from doing charitable or voluntary work (more)?

Q193: [asked if answer given at Q192 is 'other'] Please specify what is stopping you from doing charitable or voluntary work (more).

Cultural Engagement

Q182: In an ideal world, where you were able to do whatever you like, which of the things on this card would you be interested in doing? [list presented to respondents includes Going to a museum or place of historic interest (country home, castle etc); Going to the theatre, cinema or other arts activity; Going to the library or archive]

Q183: Looking at the card again, in the last 12 months, which things have you done as much as you would like?

Q194: What is stopping you from going to museums or places of historic interest (more)?

Q195: [asked if answer given at Q194 is 'other'] Please specify what is stopping you from going to museums or places of historic interest (more).

Q196: What is stopping you from going to the theatre, cinema or other arts activity (more)?

Q197: [asked if answer given at Q196 is 'other'] Please specify what is stopping you from going to the theatre, cinema or other arts activity (more).

Q198: What is stopping you from going to the library or archive (more)?

Q199: [asked if answer given at Q196 is 'other'] Please specify what is stopping you from going to the library or archive (more).

Also Q227, 228 and 229 as above under 'Sports participation and physical activity questions'

Millennium Cohort Survey


Study name

Millennium Cohort Survey

Organisation responsible for study

Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) (institute of Education, University of London)

Description of study

The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a multi-disciplinary research project following the lives of around 19,000 children born in the UK in 2000-01. It is the most recent of Britain's world-renowned national longitudinal birth cohort studies. The study has been tracking the Millennium children through their early childhood years and plans to follow them into adulthood.

Type of study


Target population

Parents, Children

Frequency of data collection

Sweeps conducted at 9 months, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years and 11 years of age.

Planned future waves

The next wave will be in 2015 (aged 15 years)

Possibility of adding questions

Researchers can submit a 2 page proposal for data enhancements to the principal investigator. More details can be found here:

Geographical Coverage



2008 Wave

2012 Wave



Data yet to be released

In Scotland



East End of Glasgow

(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Country, Government Office Region


Sample frame

Classes in schools in Scotland.

Sampling method

The sample was selected from a random sample of electoral wards, disproportionately stratified to ensure adequate representation of all four UK countries, deprived areas and areas with high concentrations of Black and Asian families.

Mode of data collection

2008/2012 - Face-to face interviews with parents, child cognitive assessments, child physical measurements and child self-completion questionnaire. In addition, self-completion paper questionnaire for child's teacher.

Response rates

2008 - 82%


Main topics covered

Parent questionnaire: Family context, early education, schooling and childcare, child and family activities, child's behaviour, parenting activities, child health, parent's health, employment, income and education, housing and local area.

Child cognitive tests

Child physical measurements

Child self-completion questionnaire: hobbies, their relationship with their friends, their feelings, e.g. how often they feel happy or sad, what they do at school.

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

Participation in sports and physical activity, barriers to physical activity/sport, frequency of sports participation


Cultural Engagement

Participation in cultural activities in the last 12 months

Civic Pride

Suitability of local area for bringing up children.

Commonwealth Games/ Olympics

Olympic legacy question (2012 only)

Demographic/contextual questions

Age, sex, marital status, housing tenure, working status, income, ethnicity, height, weight


2008 Technical Report:

2008 Questionnaires:

2012 Questionnaires:




Medium applicability. This survey provides a source of longitudinal data on teenagers' attitudes and behaviours. It contains some relevant questions and good contextual information. The sample size is large enough to allow subgroup analysis among some equalities groups, although only parents' religion and ethnicity is recorded, not that of the cohort members. Sexual orientation is not covered.

Questionnaire wording - Millennium Cohort Survey



Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions (include var. names)

Parent questionnaire Now some questions about things that [^Cohort child's name] might do outside school lessons, but including at lunchtimes, breakfast and after-school clubs as well as at other times.

How many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually go to a club or class to do sport or any other physical activity like swimming, gymnastics, football, dancing etc? (SEHO)

Parent questionnaire Do you feel that [^Cohort child's name] doesn't go to these kinds of clubs or classes more often for any of these reasons? (PLBR)

Parent questionnaire Not including clubs or classes, how many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually take part in physical activities (e.g. swimming, walking) or physically active play with [^his/ her] friends or brothers and sisters?

Please don't include walking to school. (PLFR)

Parent questionnaire How often does [^Cohort Child's name] use a bicycle? Please include travel to and from school.

Parent questionnaire How often do you [^or your husband/wife] take part in physical activities (e.g. swimming, walking) or physically active play with [^Cohort child's name]? (FAPA)

Parent questionnaire How often do you… play sports or physically active games outdoors or indoors with [^Cohort child's name]? (ACTI)

Child questionnaire Q3 How often do you play sports or active games inside or outside, not at School

Child questionnaire Q5 How much do you like playing sports and games outside?

Child questionnaire Q6 How much do you like playing sports and games inside?











Cultural Engagement

Parent questionnaire Over the past 12 months, that is since [^Date one year ago], which, if any, of the places on this card has [^Cohort child's name] been to? (PLVS)


Civic Pride

Parent questionnaire I'd like to ask you some questions about your area. By area, I mean within about a mile or 20 minutes walk of here.

Is this a good area to bring up children? (ARGD)


Growing up in Scotland


Study name

Growing up in Scotland study

Organisation responsible for study

Scottish Government

Description of study

The study focuses on the characteristics, circumstances and experiences of a sample of Scottish children in their early years and through to adolescence

Type of study


Target population

Children in Scotland. Birth Cohort 1 (BC1) was with children born in 2004/2005, the Child Cohort (CC) was those born in 2002/2003, and Birth Cohort 2 (BC2) was children born in 2010/11. In the initial waves of each cohort, the child's carer was interviewed. In latter sweeps, it is expected that the child will play a more active role in the interview.

Frequency of data collection

During the first phase of the survey, families were visited by an interviewer every year until the child reached 5 years old. During phase 2 (from 2010), families will be visited less frequently at key stages in the child's development or just after transitions (e.g. after starting primary or secondary school).

Planned future waves

2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16

Possibility of adding questions

Likely - a Scottish Government sponsored survey

Geographical Coverage



Yr 1


Yr 2

Yr 3

Yr 4

Yr 5


Yr 6

Yr 7









In Scotland

BC1 5,217

CC 2,859

BC1 4,512

CC 2,500

BC1 4,193









BC1 3,657

BC2 6,127


BC1 1200 (NHS GGC)

BC1 997


BC1 917


BC1 865


BC1 833


BC1 796


East End of Glasgow

(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Health Board; SG Urban/rural classification; Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation


Sample frame

Child Benefits Records.

Sampling method

A random sample of families with children across Scotland - stratified by region and deprivation level and clustered based on aggregated Data Zones. Within selected families, all eligible children were selected for the 0-1 aged cohort and 3/5ths of all eligible children were selected for the 2-3 aged cohort. Where a 0-1 year old child had a sibling aged 2-3, one child was selected at random.

Mode of data collection

Face to face interviewing, (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing), with some self completion modules (Computer Assisted Self Interviewing)

Response rates


Sweep 3 90% 90%

Sweep 4 91% 89%

Sweep 5 91% n/a

Sweep 6 86% n/a


Main topics covered

Childcare, education, social work/support for parents, health social inclusion

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

Amount of time child has done active things such as running, dancing, trampoline, riding a bike, kicking a ball (sweeps 3 & 5);Child's television viewing (sweeps 3, 4 & 5) and use of a computer/games console (sweep 5)

[See also 'cultural engagement' topics, below].


Cultural Engagement

Frequency of visiting/attending places/events - including library, live performance, swimming pool, art gallery, zoo, cinema, sporting event, religious event - and who with (sweeps 2 & 4).
Importance of child experiencing different types of activity - social, educational, cultural, physical (sweep 2)

Satisfaction with available range of activities (sweep 2)

Civic Pride

Community spirit (sweep 3)

Involvement in local groups/activities (sweeps 2 & 3)

Commonwealth Games/ Olympics

Demographic/contextual questions

Household composition, child's age, child's health problems, child's long standing illness/disability. Parent's ethnicity, religion, country of birth, languages spoken at home, accommodation


Research reports, summaries, briefings and journal articles on all previous sweeps are available on the Growing Up in Scotland website here:



A new group of just over 6,000 babies, born between 1st March 2010 and 28th February 2011 has been recruited to take part in GUS and interviews with parents took place during 2011/12.


Medium applicability, especially in the longer term. Once Birth Cohort 2 is more progressed (in say 5-6 years time) it would be very interesting to compare whether the two cohorts have different patterns of activities. The sample size is large enough to conduct subgroup analysis among equalities groups, although only parents' religion and ethnicity is recorded, not that of the cohort members. Sexual orientation is not covered.

Questionnaire wording - Growing up in Scotland

Year /Wave

Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions

In the last week, did ^childname do any of the following active things, including activities in nursery or school? McApha01-09/ MeApha01-09

What other activity has ^childname done in the last week? McApha10-23/MeApha10-23

Now looking at this card, in the last week, how much time did ^childname spend ^doing > activity? McAphy01-08/MeAphy01-08

First of all can you tell me which of the following places or events ^childname has visited since ^month_of_interview last year? MbAvst

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to a swimming pool? MbAswm20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^the swimming pool, who did ^he> go with? MbAswm

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to an athletic or sporting event? MbAath20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^an athletic or sporting event in> which ^he was not a player, who did ^he go with? MbAath.

I now have some questions about watching television. Thinking about the past week, on how many days did ^ChildName watch television for least 10 minutes at a time? MbAtv01

How long would ^childname usually watch television for in total on an average > weekday. MbAtv09

And roughly how long on average would ^childname watch TV at the weekend? MbAtv10

How important is it for you that ^childname gets to run around and play outside? MbAatt03

How important is it for you that ^childname takes part in exercise - for example, going swimming or doing dancing or gymnastics? MbAatt04

Sweep 3/5

Sweep 3/5

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4




Sweep 2

Sweep 2

Cultural Engagement

First of all can you tell me which of the following places or events ^childname has visited since ^month_of_interview last year? MbAvst

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to the library MbAlib20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^the library, who did ^he go with? MbAlib.

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to a live performance for children > such as a musical concert, play or pantomime? MbAliv20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^a live performance for children such as a musical concert, play or pantomime, who did ^he go with? MbAliv.

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to an art gallery, museum or historical site? MbAart20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^an art gallery, museum or historical site, who did ^he go with? MbAart

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to a zoo, aquarium or farm? MbAzoo20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^the zoo, who did ^he go with? MbAzoo.

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to a cinema? MbAcnm20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^the cinema, who did ^he go with? MbAcmn.

In the past year, how often has ^childname gone to a religious service or event? MbAfai20

Thinking about the last time ^childname went to ^a religious service or event, who> did ^he go with? MbAfai.

How important is it for you that ^childname experiences social activities such as visiting friends or relatives or having friends or relatives visit you? MbAatt01

How important is it for you that ^childname experiences cultural activities such as visiting museums or going to live performances? MbAatt02

How important is it for you that ^childname experiences educational activities such as reading books or drawing and painting? MbAatt05

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2/4

Sweep 2

Sweep 2

Sweep 2

Civic Pride

We know that children have different opportunities to experience activities for example because of what is available in their local area. Which of the following statements best describes what you think about the range of activities available to your child? MbAsat01

How much do you agree with the following statements? "This neighbourhood has a good community spirit" McNHsa02

Are you an active member of a local group set up for children or parents? MbMact10

What sort of group is it? MbMact11

Are you an active member of any other group or organisation? (e.g. trade union, political party, voluntary group or charity, social club, PTA, tenants association, neighbourhood watch, church group, etc - please specify) MbMact12

What is the group or organization? MbMact13

Can you tell me which of the following facilities exist in your area and how often you use > them McNHsv

I would like to ask you a few questions about local activities that you may be involved in. Are you an active member of a local group set up for children or parents? (Active means giving up your time to attend, organise or promote the group) McMact10

Sweep 2

Sweep 3

Sweep 2/3

Sweep 2/3

Sweep 2/3

Sweep 2/3

Sweep 2/3

Sweep 2/3

British Cohort Survey 1970


Study name

British Cohort Survey 1970

Organisation responsible for study

Centre for Longitudinal Studies (Institute of Education, University of London)

Description of study

The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) follows the lives of more than 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970.

Type of study


Target population


Frequency of data collection

Infrequent up to 2000 then every four years

Planned future waves

Plan to continue sweeps every four years

Possibility of adding questions

Researchers can submit a 2 page proposal for data enhancements to the principal investigator. More details can be found here:

Geographical Coverage



2008 Wave

2012 Wave



Data not yet released.

In Scotland



East End of Glasgow

(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Government Office Regions (GOR)


Sample frame

All children in the UK born in one week in April 1970.

Sampling method

In later sweeps, the cohort was augmented by additional children who were born outside Great Britain, but within the target week in 1970, and subsequently moved to and were educated within Britain. No more were added after the age of 16.

Mode of data collection

2008 - Telephone (Computer assisted telephone interviewing CATI). 2012 - Face-to-face and self-completion.

Response rates

2008 - 76%


Main topics covered

Relationship history, household composition, family relationships, housing, employment and income, health, mental wellbeing

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

Frequency of physical activity, participation in different sporting activities in the last 12 months


Cultural Engagement

Participation in cultural activities in last 12 months

Civic Pride

Membership of local groups

Commonwealth Games/ Olympics

Demographic/contextual questions

Age, sex, marital status, housing tenure, working status


2008 Technical Report:

2008 Questionnaire:

2012 Questionnaires:




Limited applicability. The survey covers a single age cohort only. Further it contains few relevant questions and those were only asked in the 2012 sweep, not in 2008. The sample size is a little small for equalities subgroup analysis and ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation are not covered.

Questionnaire wording - British Cohort Survey 1970



Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions

Main interview On how many days in a typical week do you do 30 minutes or more of exercise where you are working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break into a sweat? (EXERCISE)

Q2 (Paper self-completion) How often have you done each of the following sporting activities in the last 12 months?

Q1 (Paper self-completion) How often have you done each of the following activities in the last 12 months?




Civic Pride

Q8 (Paper self-completion) Are you currently a member of any of the following organisations?


1958 National Development Study


Study name

1958 National Development Study

Organisation responsible for study

Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) (Institute of Education, University of London)

Description of study

The 1958 National Development Study (NCDS) follows the lives of more than 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1958.

Type of study


Target population


Frequency of data collection

Infrequent sweeps between 1958 and 2000. As of 2008, CLS plan to conduct a sweep every 5 years

Planned future waves

The next wave will be this year, beginning in June.

Possibility of adding questions

Researchers can submit a 2 page proposal for data enhancements to the principal investigator. More details can be found here:

Geographical Coverage



2008 Wave

2013 Wave



In progress

In Scotland



East End of Glasgow

(* indicates if sample is designed for estimates to be representative in these geographies)


Country, Government Office Regions


Sample frame

All children in the UK born in one week in March 1958.

Sampling method

In later sweeps, the cohort was augmented by additional children who were born outside Great Britain, but within the target week in 1958, and subsequently moved to and were educated within Britain. No more were added after the age of 16.

Mode of data collection

2008 - 60 minute face-to-face interview and 16 page paper self-completion questionnaire. 2013 - online and telephone surveys.

Response rates

2008 - 80%


Main topics covered

Relationship history, household composition, family relationships, housing, employment and income, health, mental wellbeing

Sports Participation and Physical Activity

Whether regularly takes part in physical activities

Frequency of taking part in physical activities

Whether gets out of breath or sweaty when taking part in physical


Amount of physical work involved in cohort member's job (if



Cultural Engagement

Leisure activities

Regularity of taking part in 12 leisure activities (from The British

Household Panel Study)

Civic Pride

Membership of organisations:

Current and previous membership of organisations

Regularity of taking part in activities of these organisations

Political activity:

Whether has attended a public meeting, taken part in a public

demonstration or protest, or signed a petition in the last 12



9 questions on neighbourhood and psychological sense of


Commonwealth Games/ Olympics

Demographic/contextual questions

Age, sex, marital status, housing tenure, working status, income


2008 Technical Report:

2008 Questionnaire:




Limited applicability. The survey covers a single age cohort only. While some relevant questions are included, the Scottish sample size is relatively small, precluding robust national- and sub-group-level analysis. Other longitudinal surveys, listed above, contain similar questions but have larger sample sizes.

Questionnaire wording - National Child Development Survey 1958



Sports Participation and Physical Activity questions (include var. names)

Main questionnaire Do you regularly take part in any of the activities on this card. By regularly I mean at least once a month, for most of the year? (exercise)

Main questionnaire How often do you take part in any activity of this type? (BREATHLS)

Main questionnaire And when you take part in any activity of this type, would you say you got out of breath or sweaty…(SWEAT)




Cultural Engagement

Q1 (Paper self-completion) We are interested in the things people do in their leisure time. Please indicate how frequently you do each one...


Civic Pride

Main questionnaire Have you ever been a member of any of the kinds of organisations on this card? (orgever)

Main questionnaire And are you currently a member of any of the organisations on this card? (orgnow)

Main questionnaire How often do you take part in the activities of the organisation: (orgfreq)

Main questionnaire And in the last 12 months have you...

1 ...attended a public meeting or rally?

2 ...taken part in a public demonstration or protest?

3 ...signed a petition? (prally)

Q17 (Paper self-completion) The following statements are about neighbourhoods. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement.







Email: Niamh O'Connor

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