Play Strategy for Scotland - Progress Report

An interim progress report, at the end of year two.

What have we done so far?

The Play Strategy Implementation Group meet regularly to agree priorities and associated implementation plans for progressing the Action Plan.

A full list of all the Actions within the Action Plan and the progress made against each one can be found in the accompanying Action Plan Progress report (Annex A).

In summary, the Play Strategy Implementation Group has:

  • established six working groups to take forward six different Actions and undertaken a number of standalone reviews;
  • undertaken the research for, and published, Play in the Home (March, 2015) reviewing good practice in reaching all parents and carers with clear messages and guidance on cost effective resources (all ages and stages);
  • completed a comprehensive review of play training available within a wide range of qualification pathways (from SVQs to post graduate level) - Learning about Play;
  • undertaken a survey of local authorities to assess the level of community access to school playgrounds outwith school hours;
  • collated case study experiences, practical tools and templates and shared good practice on play provision in school playgrounds outwith school hours, publishing Play Outside Hours! (November, 2015);
  • developed and published a Play Map resource to support Community Planning partnerships integrate play into local policy and planning (November, 2015);
  • mapped the links between the Play Strategy and other key policy documents and initiatives such as physical activity, health strategies, place-making, parenting, reducing inequality and anti-poverty strategies;
  • published a dynamic infographic showing those linkages, Policy Mapping (November, 2015);
  • developed and published a logic model for Play, mapped to the SHANNARI indicators, to highlight where investment in play can support well-being in children, based on an evidence and literature review (October, 2015);
  • undertaken and published the Inclusive Play review, Playing with Quality and Equality review (October, 2015), including a comprehensive literature review;
  • contributed to the development of a renewed Place Standard Tool, to enable individuals and communities to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their local areas;
  • established, through Play Scotland, Scotland's Play Council a new collaborative body to support the play sector to share good practice, and develop collective capacity to positively influence policy and practice at both local and national levels; and
  • held regular meetings of the Play Strategy Implementation Group to build sector knowledge, agree priorities and offer strategic direction to the delivery of the Action Plan.


Email: Deborah Gallagher

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