
Planning Advice Note 43: golf courses and associated developments

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 43 identifies the planning issues associated with golf courses and related development.


77. The need in Scotland as indicated by the SSC, lies primarily in the provision of modestly budgeted new courses and the enhancement of existing facilities with the aim of meeting the demand of potential golfers currently unable to enter the sport. Improved facilities could also cater for visitors to Scotland.


78. Development plans can assist in providing guidance on appropriate locations and assist in identifying places where their impact particularly on landscape character would be unacceptable. New courses can encourage participation in the sport and relieve pressure on existing facilities. They can help to improve the image of an area, attract or diversify economic development and assist in the promotion of tourism. Accessibility to the game is a tradition in Scotland which should be maintained. Above all the growth of golf within the overall context of sports provision should be encouraged in the areas of unmet demand and where appropriate reflected in policies and proposals in development plans.


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