
Planning Advice Note 1/2010: strategic environmental assessment of development plans

Provides advice on how the requirements of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 can be met within the development planning process.


7.1 This Planning Advice Note has set out advice for carrying out SEA of development plans. It has identified areas of overlap between the development plan preparation and SEA processes, to facilitate efficient SEA which does not unduly hinder the planning process or result in additional resourcing requirements. As well as reducing costs, the further development of proportionate and innovative approaches to environmental assessment will help to ensure that SEA realises its potential to add considerable value to development plans.

Help and advice

7.2 The Scottish Government's Environmental Assessment Team includes a Technical Support Unit, which specifically aims to streamline and secure added value from the SEA process by providing practical support to the public sector. Technical specialists can be contacted through the SEA Gateway.

7.3 All formal correspondence on SEA and questions relating to SEA procedures should be directed through the Scottish Government's SEA Gateway:

The Scottish Government SEA Gateway
Directorate for the Built Environment
The Scottish Government
2-H South Victoria Quay

SEA Gateway Helpline: 0131 244 1704 or


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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