
Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS): consultation analysis

This consultation analysis supplements our consultation to scope interest from potential members about joining the Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS). It is a summary of the consultation’s analytic elements.

Analysis summary

The consultation was hosted on Citizen Space and a consultation cover letter that included the Respondent Information Form (RIF) was sent out to ten low-risk produce exporters identified as possible respondents. The respondents were provided the option to use either Citizen Space, or return the attached RIF and questionnaire via email/post.

The consultation was promoted on the ‘X’ account of the Chief Plant Health Officer for Scotland.

The RIF questions were designed to capture an individuals/organisations details and whether or not they wanted their response published.

Five questions were placed in the questionnaire. Two of these questions had closed responses and had a text box section to expand on the answers. The remaining three questions were open-ended.

Only one response was received during the consultation, and the respondent did not want their response published. The SG did receive interest from a Scottish low-risk produce exporter after the consultation closed who signalled their interest in using the scheme.

Key themes were extracted from the respondent’s textual answers, and these were summarised for internal SG viewing only. No standard form of thematic analysis was used for the textual responses because only one was received. Additionally, for the closed quantitative questions, no visual aids like graphs were prepared because there were only two such questions, and we only received one response.



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