Personal Footcare Guidance

The overall aim of the personal footcare guidance is to improve the way in which personal footcare is supported and delivered through the implementation of good practice guidance.

9: Reference List

1. Department of Health, 2009. Footcare: Footcare services for older people: a resource pack for commissioners and service providers. Access at;

2. The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, 2010. A guide to the benefits of podiatry to patient care. Access at;

3. Boden, C. Older People and 'person-centred' podiatry, 2007 A critical evaluation of two models of care (unpublished PhD thesis), University of Gloucestershire.

4. Community Care and Health Scotland Act 2002. Access at;

5. Quality Improvement Scotland, 2010. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, Management of Diabetes 116. A national clinical guideline

6. Diabetes in Scotland Information Foot Health Information Leaflets. Access at:

7. Scottish Government, 2010. The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland, Edinburgh, Scottish Government. Access at:

8. Scottish Government, 2011. Achieving sustainable quality in Scotland's healthcare: a "20:20" vision. Access at;

9. Scottish Government and COSLA, 2012. Caring Together - The Carers Strategy for Scotland 2010-2015. Access at;

10. The National Care Standards. Access at :

11. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland, 2010. Up and About: Pathways for the prevention and management of falls and fragility fractures. Access at;

12. SCSWIS & NHSScotland, 2011. Managing falls and fractures in care homes for older people. Access at;

13. Scottish Government, 2012. AHPs as Agents of Change in Health and Social Care. The national delivery plan for AHPs in Scotland, 2012-2015.Access at:

14. Scottish Government, 2012. Integration of Health and Social Care. Access at;

15. Scottish Government, COSLA & NHS Scotland, 2011. Reshaping Care for Older People: a programme for change 2011-2021. Access at;

16. Scottish Government, 2013. Scotland's National Dementia Strategy 2013-16

17. NHS Scotland, 2001. HDL(2001)66. Healthcare associated infection: review of decontamination services and provision across NHSScotland. The Decontamination of Surgical Instruments and Other Medical Devices. Report of a Scottish Executive Health Department Working Group.

18. Equality Act 2010 Access at

All the educational resources are available online via the Personal Footcare page at


Email: Julie Townsend

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