Person-centred care: guidance for non-executive directors
Resource booklet for NHSScotland board members, with an interest in person centred care.
House of Care
Which of the five 'Must Do with Me' principles does this relate to?

The House of Care represents a tangible and proven approach that allows health care services to embrace Collaborative Care and Support Planning and fulfil their responsibilities to support the self management of people living with multiple long-term conditions. This approach supports and enables people to articulate their own needs and decide on their own priorities, through a process of joint decision making, goal setting and action planning.
The House of Care Early Adopter Programme, directed by the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE), works with five sites - Ayrshire & Arran, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lanarkshire, Lothian, and Tayside.
The focus of the programme is on ensuring people living with long-term conditions:
- are empowered by the model of care and the care planning process;
- are enable to articulate their own needs, deciding on their own priorities, supported by health and social care professionals through a collaborative conversation;
- are supported to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their condition(s) effectively in the context of their everyday life; and
- have an improvement in their experience of care, which should become more coordinated, with a measurably improved 'patient experience'.
The Royal College of General Practitioners, both at a Scotland and UK level, are strongly committed to supporting developments in Collaborative Care and Support Planning, viewing it as fundamental to the change required to address the current crisis in GP services. Their Blueprint for Scottish General Practice and 2016 Manifesto make explicit mentions of their support for the House of Care programme in Scotland.
Email: Sarah Hildersley
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