
People's Panel for Wellbeing 2022 and Beyond: process and learning evaluation

Evaluation (carried out by The University of Glasgow) of a Scottish Government research panel called 'The People's Panel'. This report describes how the panel worked and provides recommendations for the planning of future panels.

Appendix 4: Extract from Facilitaor Guide

Firstly can we talk about what might have changed in terms of what you (or others you know) buy and what you do because of the cost of living crisis?

(Prompts: less food/clothes/shoes, poorer quality food/clothes/shoes, different shops, heating turned down or off, fewer journeys, less socialising, cut down or stopped entertainment going out, stopped having people round to your home)


Do you have different priorities from before? Are you making any trade-offs or sacrifices? What decisions are you having to make? Do you have choices or has the crisis taken them away?



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