
A Pathway of Care for Vulnerable Families (0-3)

Guidance to support the implementation of Getting it right for every child through continous assessment and a continuum of support.


1. Scottish Government, 2008
2. Information Services Division, 2006
3. National Child Protection Guidance 2010:
4. The Healthcare Quality Strategy
5. From April 2011, part of Health Improvement Scotland
6. Scottish Government 2008
9. In Press
10. In Press
13. Scottish Government 2008
14. For example: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989); Human Rights Act 1998; the Data Protection Act 1998
15. GIRFEC National Guidance
16. GIRFEC Practice briefing 1: the role of the named person
17. GIRFEC Practice briefing 6: the Child's Plan - one child, one plan
18 Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition 2011
19 A Refreshed Framework for Maternity Care in Scotland 2011
20 PregnancyAndNewbornTimeline.pdf
21 Ready, Steady, Baby
22 Pathways for Maternity Care
23 A new look at Hall 4 - The Early Years 2011
24 The Red Book
25 A new look at Hall 4 - The Early Years 2011
26 Ibid.
27 NICE (2010): Pregnancy and Complex Social Factors
28 Healthy Child Programme, DH (2008)
29 A Guide to Getting it Right for Every Child (2008)
30 Child and Young People Wellbeing indicators SCOTPHO
31 Getting it right for every child in Lanarkshire
32 Support and Services for Parents: A review of the literature engaging parents 2007)

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