Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government: operating framework

Sets out how we will work with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, including roles and responsibilities.

Performance Management

32. HIS will work with SG to develop and produce strategic and operational delivery plans and report against them in line with SG Performance and Delivery requirements.

33. HIS will approach planning and delivery in a way which is consistent with SG priorities, underpinned by a robust workforce and financial plan, and requires to be submitted to SG in accordance with agreed timescales.

34. SG will respond formally and the plans will be agreed between the SG Sponsor Function and HIS and be approved by the HIS Board. The plans will be published by HIS.

35. The Annual Review (whether Ministerial or non-Ministerial) will be the focal point for the public accountability of delivery of the previous financial year. HIS will provide SG Sponsor Function with written documentation in line with published guidance. The SG Sponsor Function will formally write to HIS following the Annual Review setting out the key areas covered and agreed actions. HIS will publish this letter.



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