Superfast and gigabit broadband infrastructure - Open Market Review: request for information

We are developing a procurement approach for funding contracts to suppliers delivering gigabit-capable wholesale infrastructure in Scotland. This Open Market Review will be used to produce a draft intervention area that may be targeted for public intervention.

Annex B: Data Submission Format

1. Introduction

The Scottish Government requires certain fields of data for each pertinent address as identified by the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) in order to monitor the current and future delivery of Gigabit broadband capable services. This is done by requesting data on current and future connections from relevant suppliers. The below describes the format of the request file and how to format the data to return to us. If you require any additional support, guidance or clarification with this, please get in touch with us at

2. File formats

We will supply blank templates for the OMR, showing the UPRNs across Scotland that we consider relevant to the OMR process as well as the standard columns that we require, constrained to the areas you indicate you have active or planned coverage.

These UPRNs have been sourced from Address Base Premium Epoch 89, from Ordnance Survey published December 2021.

Do not pre-filter your data based on the template files, instead provide us with your entire UPRN dataset.

If you are using the template files as the starting point for your return, please remove any UPRN rows which are not part of your current or planned network.

The information that we provide against each property/UPRN is as follows:

Field Name Description Format
strUPRN The UPRN (see below) prepended with "STR", this is a mitigation against certain spreadsheet tools treating the UPRN as a large number and removing significant digits Text
UPRN The unique property reference number Number
Address Comma delimited single line address eg 1, Acacia Avenue, Anytown Text
Postcode Standard postcode Text
Easting (x coordinate) in British National Grid Number
Northing (y coordinate) in British National Grid Number
Longitude Longitude in the decimal degree format Number
Latitude Latitude in the decimal degree format Number

The information that we ask for against each property/UPRN is as follows:

Field Name Description Format
Current Technology The technology you use for supplying that particular premises, examples of this could be ADSL, FTTP, FTTC etc Text
Current Maximum Download Speed (Mbps) Available download speed at premise level that you are able to supply to the property. Number
Current Maximum Upload Speed (Mbps) Available upload speed at premise level that you are able to supply to the property. Number
Future Technology The technology you intend to use for supplying that particular premises, examples of this could be FTTP, FTTC etc Text
Future Maximum Download Speed (Mbps) The maximum proposed download speed that you intend to be able to supply to this property under a future build plan. Number
Future Maximum Upload Speed (Mbps) The maximum proposed upload speed that you intend to be able to supply to this property under a future build plan. Number
Date of Future Rollout This should be the Ready for Service (RFS) date for the premises. The date at which RSPs can offer products or services to the individual premises. This should not be the date that build commences. Date - DD/MM/YYYY
Notes This column can be used to record any additional information deemed useful by the supplier. Free form text

3. Additional columns

Aside from the standard columns above, you may wish to add additional columns to provide additional information about your network, for example to provide clarity on the level of detail you have reached in planning your future build for example highlighting those UPRNs where you have reached a specific design stage such a Low Level Designs, those UPRNs with committed funding or UPRNs where you have already started the network build.

If you have any existing or planned infrastructure you have gained with assistance from public subsidy, for example, Vouchers, Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (NBS 2012), R100 programme (NBS 2016) and Hubs (Local Full Fibre Networks and Rural Gigabit Connectivity Programmes), please add an additional column at the end of your data return to indicate this so that we can identify these premises.

If adding additional columns, please keep the comments simple, and consistent, to facilitate easier data interrogation. An example of the format set out against each property/UPRN is:

Field Name Description Format
Delivery Phase The planned phase for any future rollout which each UPRN shall form part of, e.g. Phase 1/Phase 2 etc, in line with your deployment plan and supporting evidence submitted under Annex C. Text
Design Stage The current phase of your future coverage. Typical examples are outlined in Annex C. Text
Funding Stage The current status of funding allocated to the UPRN. Typical examples are outlined in Annex C. Text
Public Intervention Is this UPRN subject to current or dependent on future intervention such as vouchers, Superfast, LFFN or RGC programmes or any other public interventions (such as Local Authority schemes). Further explanation should be provided in your Annex C: Supporting Evidence Template. An entry of 'No' would indicate that the premises is planned to be built entirely through commercial funding with no dependency on public intervention. Evidence of this funding should be provided in your supporting evidence Yes/No



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