nutritional guidance for early years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

nutritional guidance for providers of food in early years settings

nutritional guidance for early years: food choices for children aged 1-5 years in early education and childcare settings

national documents and links

Eating for Health - meeting the challenge; strategic framework for Food and Health 2004-2005 (2004)

A Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5, The Scottish Consultative Council (1999). National advice and guidance on the learning and development needs of young children for all centres involved in the education of young children ages 3 to 5.

The Child at the Centre - Self-evaluation in the Early Years, Scottish Executive (2000).
A self-evaluation tool for pre-school centres for children aged 3-5. It contains an introduction to the use of performance indicators for self-evaluation and explains how this approach can be used to assess quality in a range of settings.

Scottish Executive. (2003) Let's make Scotland more active. A Strategy for Physical Activity in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

National Care Standards - Early Education and Childcare up to the Age of 16, Scottish Executive (2002). The standards have been developed from the point of view of the user of the service and focus on the quality of experience that they receive. They can be downloaded from

Towards better oral health in children (2002); A Consultation Document on Children's Oral Health in Scotland

Hungry for Success; a whole school approach to school meals in Scotland (2002)

Nutrient Specification for Manufactured Products 2004

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