NHS Board Projected Staff In Post Changes In 2012/13

All NHS Boards have been asked to develop Local Delivery Plans (LDPs) and workforce plans, as well as using workforce workload tools. As part of this process, NHS Boards have been asked to provide workforce projections for 2012/13. These projections are based on staff in post whole time equivalents (wte).

7. Further Information

The data above, and below in Appendix 1, contribute towards the Scottish Government's analysis of NHS Boards Workforce Plans. Each NHS Board will publish their plans between June and October 2012.

All data shown in the tables have been provided by NHS Boards. Although similar to the ISD Scotland National Statistics publication on NHS Workforce, they are not identical. These differences are due to data quality issues. ISD and NHS Boards are working together to resolve these discrepancies.

The 'Emergency Services' group was renamed 'Ambulance Services' as it includes non emergency staff. All other staff group definitions in this publication match the ISD Scotland National Statistics publication definitions.

ISD Scotland National Workforce Statistics are due to be published on 28th August 2012, 27th November 2012 and 26th February 2013. See link to data below.

There is also a Scottish Government Workforce publication on the progress towards the 25% Reduction in Senior Management Posts Target as at 31st March 2012. This is also due for release on 28th August 2012. Please note that the Senior Management definition within this national target is different form the Management (non AfC) figure used in both the ISD National Statistics publication on NHS Workforce and the Scottish Government publication on NHS Workforce projections. Please link to publication below for an explanation of these differences.


Email: Mark Fraser

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