
New Year's Day trading consultation - economic impact and impact on family life: report

Report on economic impact and impact on family life relating to the New Year's Day trading consultation.


1. GDP Monthly Estimate: July 2021 - ( [experimental official statistics].

2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the main indicator of economic activity in Scotland by measuring the size and health of the economy over a period of time. GDP covers the activities of households, businesses and government as both producers and consumers. Changes in GDP are estimated using the output of each industry.

3. Note: seasonally adjusted chained volume measures presented in real terms (adjusted to remove inflation) and relate to Scotland's onshore economy (which does not include offshore oil and gas extraction).

4. Business Register Employment Survey (BRES) 2019

5. Part-time employees are defined here as those working 30 hours or less per week.

6. Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec 2020.

7. Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec 2019.

8. Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2018 - (

9. Gross value added (GVA) represents the amount that individual businesses, industries or sectors contribute to the economy. It is the value of an industry's outputs less the value of intermediate inputs used in the production process.

10. Annual Survey for Hours and Earnings (ASHE): 2020 - Office for National Statistics (

11. Further detail on earnings in the retail sector is set out in Section 6.

12. Businesses in Scotland: 2020 - (

13. Excludes central and local government.

14. Further detail on enterprises in the retail sector is set out in Section 5.

15. Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec datasets, ONS

16. This estimate may be less precise and should be used with caution.

17. Small Business Survey Scotland 2019

18. * proportion less than 1% or base count less than 25.

19. This question was not asked in the most recent wave of BICS (Wave 40).

20. Data for the Wholesale, Retail, Repair of Vehicles sector was disclosive in Wave 40 of BICS.

21. This question was not asked in the most recent wave of BICS (Wave 40).

22. SRC-KPMG Scottish Retail Sales Monitor – September 2021

23. As above.

24. SRC: Industry bodies unite to call for rejection of New Year Trading Ban (



27. Disaggregated data for retail not available.

28. Note: these responses do not represent the whole retail employee population in Scotland.

29. New Year's Eve popularity & fame | YouGov

30. YouGov - Christianity study.xlsx

31. 97% shop workers oppose Boxing Day trading - survey - Retail Gazette

32. USDAW - New Year's Day Working in Scotland


34. Why holidays are good for employees' health | Bupa UK

35. No Vacation Nation Revised (

36. Long working hours killing 745,000 people a year, study finds - BBC News Why Taking Vacation Time Could Save Your Life (


38. Happy employees and their impact on firm performance | LSE Business Review

39. Pandemic one year on: landmark mental health study reveals mixed picture in Scotland, as anxiety falls but loneliness rises | Mental Health Foundation

40. NPF_Impact_of_COVID-19_December_2020.pdf (

41. Scottish COVID-19 Mental Health Tracker Study: Wave 4 Report - (

42. Tesco and Morrisons defy call to shut on Boxing Day - BBC News


44. Annual Survey for Hours and Earnings (ASHE): 2020 - Office for National Statistics (

45. Zero-hours contracts (



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