Mental Health Act - emergency and short-term powers: guide

A guide for service users and their carers to the Mental Health Act emergency and short-term powers (2008 version).

12 Other guides in this series

  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to advance statements
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to compulsory treatment orders
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to consent to treatment
  • The New Mental Health Act - An easy read guide
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to independent advocacy
  • The New Mental Health Act - The role of the Mental Welfare Commission
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to named persons
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to the roles and duties of NHS Boards and local authorities
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide for people involved in criminal proceedings
  • The New Mental Health Act - What's it all about? A Short Introduction
  • The New Mental Health Act - Rights of Carers
  • The New Mental Health Act - Putting Principles into Practice
  • The New Mental Health Act - An introduction to the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland
  • The New Mental Health Act - Appeals
  • The New Mental Health Act - A guide to the role of the Mental Health Officer
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