Neurological Framework funding - round 4: form and guidance

How to apply for round 4 funding to support the implementation of Scotland's Neurological Care and Support Framework. The closing date for applications is Friday 11 August 2023.


In December 2019, we launched the Neurological care and support: framework for action 2020 to 2025 and announced £4.5 million of funding over 5 years to deliver the Framework’s commitments. 

We are now inviting a fourth round of funding proposals linked to implementing the Framework.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) recently published Quality Assurance of the General Standards of Neurological Care and Support - Self-evaluation tool: April 2023 ( To support and facilitate improvement across neurology services in acute, primary and community care, 3 Regional Networks will be developed to:

  • support and guide local service leads in completion of the self-evaluation tool, ensuring consistent national approach focussing on specific standards as advised by Scottish Government
  • ensure collaborative working results in co-ordinated, cohesive and sustained improvement in the quality of patient care and rehabilitation
  • build on the outputs of projects funded through the Framework, drawing on published evaluation evidence

Round 4 of the fund complements these objectives. Funding bids are sought that demonstrate both of the following elements:

  • develop networks that will support and further implement demonstrably successful approaches to delivering services
  • supplement and align with the regional approach to development of networks described above

Bids could be led by integration authorities, NHS boards, or third sector organisations, and must ensure collaborative working between NHS providers, local authorities, third sector organisations and local people with lived experience of neurological conditions.

There is an overall fund of £0.4 million. There are no limits or restrictions on the amount of funding each new application can bid for.

Not in scope

Applications will not be considered for routine delivery of services, nor in relation to the following areas which are outwith the scope of the Framework:

  • Alzheimer’s/ dementia
  • stroke
  • neurodevelopmental conditions (e.g. learning disability or ADHD)
  • long covid
  • paediatric neurology



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