
National Marine Plan: Sustainability Appraisal Report

This report summarises the findings from a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the draft National Marine Plan (NMP). SA of the draft plan is required by the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The SA has considered the potential social, economic and enviro



2. In addition to the MSFD, the Water Framework Directive, the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Common Fisheries Policy contain provisions for the use and protection of the marine environment.

3. Set out in Safeguarding our Seas: a strategy for the conservation and sustainable development of our marine environment. Defra (2002)

4. HM Government (2008) Our Seas - a shared resource (Defra )

5. Marine Scotland, SNH, SEPA and Historic Scotland. 2010. Making the most of Scotland's seas: turning our marine vision into reality. Available at

for more information, see

6. Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 and the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010

7. Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Historic Scotland

8. Information in this overview is taken from Scotland's Marine Atlas and SNH/ JNCC (2012) Advice to the Scottish Government on the selection of Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas ( MPAs) for the development

9. of the Scottish MPA network. SNH Commissioned Report No 547.

10. Charting Progress 2

11. Information in this section is taken from: Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas, Information for the national marine plan.

12. Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas, Information for the national marine plan, Scottish Government pp 100-103

13. Scotland's Marine Atlas. p. 71

14. from Charting Progress 2 Feeder Report

15. Marine Scotland. 2012. Report to the Scottish Parliament on Progress to Identify a Scottish Network of Marine Protected Areas.

16. See

17. The Scottish Government. 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the National Marine Plan.

18. Northidge, S., A Cargill, A Coram, L Mandleberg, S Calderan and B Reid. June 2010. Entanglement of minke whales in Scottish waters: an investigation into occurrence, causes and mitigation. Final Report to Scottish Government CR/2007/49.

19. Scotland's Census 2011 (2012) Statistical Bulletin [online] Available at:

20. The James Hutton Institute (2010) Scotland's Coastal Assets [online] Available at:

21. ibid

22. Scottish Government (2008) National Planning Framework 2 [online] Available at:

23. Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas, Information for the national marine plan, Scottish Government

24. Datazones have roughly the same population, however the boundaries of datazones are kept constant although the populations may change over time.

25. SIMD 2012 Results

26. Scottish Government (2012) Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation [online] Available at:

27. Highland and Islands Enterprise work in Fragile Areas [online] Available at:

28. Transport Scotland (2012) Scottish Transport Statistics No 31: 2012 Edition. Available at:

29. Highlands and Islands Airports (undated) [online] Available at:

30. Scottish Government (2012) Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation [online] Available at:

31. ABPMer (2012) Socio-economic baseline Reviews for Offshore Renewables in Scottish Waters, Marine Scotland


33. Greenspace Scotland (2011) Greenspace Use and Attitude Survey 2011 [online] Available At:

34. Scottish Government Statistics Health of Scotland's population

35. JNCC (2011) Council Directive 2000/60/ EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (Water Framework Directive), [online] Available at:

36. European Commission (2011) EU Water Legislation and the Water Management Directive, [online] Available at:

37. SEPA River Basement Management Plans, Available at:

38. For all surface waters, classification describes the ecological quality of water bodies (this includes both ecological and chemical status). Ecological status is discussed further in "The river basin management plan for the Scotland river basin district 2009-2015", available at

39. SEPA (2012) 2011 aquatic classification results and comparison to previous years. Available at:


41. SEPA. Scottish bathing waters 2012-13. Available at:

42. SNIFFER (2008) Coastal Flooding in Scotland: A Scoping Study, Final Report, Project FRM10, August 2008. Page ii. Available at:

43. SEPA (2011) Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, Flooding in Scotland: A consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas and Local Plan Districts [online] Available at:

44. The Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas, Information for the National Marine Plan, March 2001, pg. 188-189.

45. SEPA (2012) Coastal Flooding in Scotland [online] Available at:

46. SEPA (2011) Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, Flooding in Scotland: A consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas and Local Plan Districts [online] Available at:

47. Reports are available at


49. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships

50. Directive 1999/32/ EC relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels

51. World Health Organization,

52. Further information is available at:,

53. Sniffer (2006) A Handbook of Climate Trends Across Scotland, [online] Available at:

54. UKCIP (2011) Recent Climate Trends [online] Available at:

55. Scottish Government (2012) Climate Change and Ocean Acidification [online] Available at:

56. UKCIP (2011) Recent Climate Trends [online] Available at:

57. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (2010) Coastal erosion and Coastal Geomorphology, [online] Available at:

58. Marine Scotland (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for The National Marine Plan [online] Available at:

59. SNH and The Marine Biological Association (undated) Impacts of climate change on seabed wildlife in Scotland[online] Available at:

60. SEAFISH (2009) Fishing vessel fuel emissions, research and development fact sheet, April 2009 [online] Available at:

61. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydroflurocarbons, perflurocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride

62. Scottish Government (2013) Low Carbon Scotland: Meeting our Emissions Reduction Targets 2013-2027 - The Second Report on Proposals and Policies. Available from

63. Historic Scotland (undated) Towards a Strategy for Scotland's Marine Historic Environment [online] Available at:

64. Dti (2004) The scope of Strategic Environmental Assessment of North Sea Area SEA5 in regard to prehistoric archaeological remains [online] Available at (accessed 28/06/2012)

65. Dti (2007) SEA 7 Environmental Report 25 th offshore oil and gas licensing round Strategic Environmental Assessment [online] Available at:

66. Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's National Marine Plan Interim sustainability appraisal report

67. ibid

68. SNH (undated) Mapping Scotland's wildness and wild land [online] Available at:

69. The Scottish Landscape Forum's Report to Scottish Ministers (2007) Scotland's Living Landscapes

70. SNH (2013) Core Areas of Wild Land in Scotland 2013 Available at:

71. SNH (2012) Map of Relative Wildness Throughout Scotland [online] Available at: [accessed 09/05/2013]

72. Marine Scotland (2008) Scotland's Seas: Towards Understanding their State, Chapter 2.

73. Gordon JE, Lees G, Leys KF, MacFayden CCJ, Puri G, Threadgould R and Kirkbride V (2002) Natural Heritage Zones: Earth Sciences, [online] Available at:

74. SNH (2001) Natural Heritage Futures - Coasts and Seas, [online] Available at:

75. SNH (undated) information on coastal erosion [online] Available at:

76. Scottish Government (2013) Bathymetry [online] Available at: [accessed 04/04/2013]

77. Prasetya G (unknown) Chapter 4: Protection From Coastal Erosion, Thematic paper: The role of coastal forests and trees in protecting against coastal erosion [online] Available at: (accessed 04/04/2013)

78. Marine Climate Change impacts Annual Report Card 2010-2011 (accessed 04/04/2013)

79. SNH (2010) Climate Change at the Coast, [online] Available at: (accessed 04/04/2013)

80. Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas, Coastal Protection and Flood Defence [online] Available at: (accessed 04/04/2013)

81. SNH (undated) information on climate change at the coast [online] Available at:

82. SNH (2012) Coastal Erosion [online] Available at:

83. SNH (2001) Natural Heritage Futures - Coasts and Seas, [online] Available at:

84. European Commission (2004) Eurosion: Living with Coastal Erosion in Europe - Sediment and Space for Sustainability - Results for the Eurosion Study, [online] Available at:

85. Defra (2002) Safeguarding our Seas: a strategy for the conservation and sustainable development of our marine environment.

86. includes increasing transparency; communication/coordination between industries

87. includes coastal processes


89. includes coastal processes

90. includes increasing transparency; communication/coordination between industries

91. Note: the "do nothing" option is not viable, since preparation of the NMP is a legislative requirement. It has been included here for completeness.

92. This is the preferred option identified for the NMP.

93. The Environmental Report is available at

94. includes increasing transparency; communication/coordination between industries

95. includes coastal processes

96. The spawning period for most commercial species in British waters and further information on spawning and nursery areas can be found in "Fishery Sensitivity Maps in British Waters - Spawning Periods For Main Commercial Species." Maps illustrating the spawning and nursery areas of some of the commercial fish species can also be found on the Marine Scotland website.

97. Categories 1, 2 and 3 as defined under Marine Scotland's Locational Guidelines for the Authorisation of Marine Fish Farms .

98. Reference…


100. Disease Management Areas

101. Marine Scotland Act 2010, part 6, section 117 - Map available for publication.

102. Carbon Capture & Storage - A Roadmap for Scotland

103. The areas contained in Sectoral Marine Plans are referred to as adopted Plan Options. Blue Seas - Green Energy: A Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Territorial Waters was published in 2011. This Plan is currently being reviewed to identify further Plan Options. Plan Options are identified through a Scoping and Regional Locational Guidance process which identifies initial Areas of Search. Areas of search are zones of resource which have limited overlap with other sectoral use and/or areas of environmental sensitivity. These areas of search can become Plan Options which are subject to Sustainability Appraisal (including Strategic Environmental Assessment, Habitats Regulations Appraisal and Socio-economic Assessment,) or adopted Plan Options following Appraisal, Statutory Consultation and Ministerial decision making on the final Plan.

104. Map to be included



107. The RLG is provided primarily to assist developers interested in competing for the Saltire Prize to identify and develop projects rapidly, but may also be of interest to planners and regulators..

108. Ref needed

109. Ref needed

110. Ref to National Developments in NPF

111. Assessment assumes this refers to which notes that ship to ship transfers of cargo of a hazardous nature are subject to prior authorisation by the relevant harbour authority as part of a programme of transfers in respect of which the Secretary of State has given environmental consent, having carried out an assessment of the programme's likely impact on the environment by the procedure set out in Schedules 1 and 2 to the Regulations. Where a programme of transfers may have an effect on a European site, the procedure implements Article 6 of the Habitats Directive

112. Fishing Vessels Operating in Submarine Exercise Areas. Marine Safety Agency. Marine Guidance Note MGN 12 (F).

113. Fishing vessel avoidance: The UK Code of Practice Fishing Vessel Avoidance. The UK Code of Practice. SMP 95 Change 5. Ministry of Defence


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