
National Litter and Flytipping strategy: island communities impact assessment

Summary of the island communities impact assessment (ICIA) undertaken for the National Litter and Flytipping strategy.

3. Consultation

A Scottish Government public consultation, which included a partial ICIA, was delivered in 2022 and responses were analysed to establish if any impacts on islands were identified. This analysis, combined with the data outlined in section two, outlined the potential for actions under the Strategy to have an impact in the following four areas:

  • Beach litter
  • Tourism
  • Waste collection and transportation
  • Digital inclusivity

Establishing whether these impacts exist and, if required, ensuring appropriate steps are taken will be a key function of the Governance and Delivery Framework, which is a critical piece of the delivery infrastructure to ensure successful delivery of the Strategy’s vision. The Framework will ensure that Island communities are engaged throughout the design and implementation stages of individual actions as well as the development of future Action Plans.



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