National litter and flytipping: consultation

This consultation proposes potential actions to tackle litter and flytipping in Scotland. Responses to this consultation will inform the development of the final National Litter and Flytipping Strategy which will be published in early 2022.

4. Next Steps

The focus of this consultation is to invite views on our planned approach to tackle litter and flytipping in Scotland. Consultation responses will inform our policy on how this can best be achieved.

In responding to this consultation, please do not feel constrained by the question set. We appreciate some people will have a particular interest in certain areas. We would encourage you to respond to any or all of those areas where you feel you have a contribution to make.

We have also published partial versions of relevant impact assessments that have helped inform policy development as well as an Environmental Report as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process. We would value views and evidence to continue to develop these into final documents and to address any key areas for further work.

We value your opinions and welcome your views on our proposals identified in this consultation document. Your views will be considered in the final development of the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy, which will be published in early 2022.

31. Are there any additional proposals you think should be considered for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy?

32. (a) Do you agree that the accompanying Impact Assessments (BRIA, EQIA, ICIA, FSDA) are an accurate representation of core issues and considerations? Yes / No / Do not know

(b) If not, please provide detail and evidence.

33. (a) Do you agree with the recommendations and conclusions within the Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report? Yes / No / Do not know

(b)If not, please provide detail and evidence



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