National litter and flytipping consultation: fairer Scotland duty assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) for the proposed actions for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.

Stage 4 - Decision

This decision stage allows Deputy Directors (or above) to consider the assessment process from Stages 2 and 3, agree any changes to the policy, proposal or decision and confirm that due regard to meeting the Fairer Scotland Duty has been given in this case.

Key questions to discuss at this summary stage are:

12. What changes, if any, will be made to the proposal as a result of the assessment? Why are these changes being made and what are the expected outcomes?

13. If no changes are proposed, please explain why.

It is not possible to suggest changes based on the level of detail currently available

Once these questions have been discussed and written up, save this document in the relevant project file in eRDM. Your deputy director (or above) should sign and date in the box below.

Sign off of the Fairer Scotland Assessment template

Name: Aidan Grisewood

Job title: Deputy Director, Environment Quality and Circular Economy

The final stage is to complete the Fairer Scotland Duty summary template for publication on the Scottish Government website. This should be published on the Scottish Government's website - contact Social Justice Strategy for more details.



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