National litter and flytipping consultation: business and regulatory impact assessment

Partial business and regulatory assessment (BRIA) for the proposed actions for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.

2.0 Consultation

2.1 Consultation Within Government

23. The Scottish Government Environment and Forestry Directorate has engaged with other relevant teams across the Scottish Government regarding the potential impacts of the policy on, for example:

  • Socio-economic inequality issues such as low income, low wealth, and area deprivation;
  • Different geographic communities including island communities;
  • Disabled people; and
  • Businesses, including the food and drink industry and the hospitality sector.
  • Local Authorities and other public bodies with a duty regarding litter and flytipping

2.2 Public Consultation

24. This Partial BRIA will be published alongside the Scottish Government consultation paper on the proposed strategy. That public consultation will run for a maximum of 16 weeks from December 13th 2021.

2.3 Business Consultation

25. Engagement with businesses will identify: (1) the current burden in business from clearing up litter and flytipping; (2) expanding the evidence-base related to individual littered and flytipped items (e.g. types and prevalence); (3) industry views around the impact of the litter and flytipping strategy; and (4) the potential for unintended consequences of strategy measures.

26. To understand the full impacts of the proposed strategy on small, medium, and large businesses, discussions with an appropriate cross-section of affected stakeholders will be held. It is expected that the following stakeholder groups will be directly affected by the proposed legislation:

  • Scottish manufacturers in scope of the proposed legislation
  • Waste disposal sector representative bodies
  • Recycling and waste management organisations
  • Trades people (e.g. builders, gardeners)
  • Tourism and recreation sector
  • Retail and retail representative bodies
  • Hospitability sector

The following stakeholder groups are expected to be indirectly affected by the proposed strategy:

  • Raw materials suppliers
  • Equipment suppliers
  • Environmental, conservation, food and health charities
  • Public sector organisations
  • Members of the public



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