
National Infertility Group Report January 2013

The report was produced by the National Infertility Group in January 2013, with recommendations on IVF criteria for all eligible couples, for the consideration of Scottish Government Ministers.

Appendix H Proportion of births due to IVF/ICSI

Proportion of total births due to IVF/ICSI in Scotland (2010)

Maternal age IVF/ICSI live births Total Scottish live births (GROS) % of total births due to IVF/ICSI Previous figures 2008
<35 511 46,993 1.09% 0.80%
35-37 296 6,709 4.41% 3.29%
38-39 137 2,890 4.74% 3.46%
40-42 55 1,792 3.07% 2.30%
43-44 8 288 2.78% 0.33%
>44 1 98 1.02% 2.02%
All ages 1008 59,030 1.71% 1.26%

Sources (accessed 7/12/2012)

Proportion of first births due to IVF in Scotland (2010)

Maternal age IVF/ICSI live births Total Scottish live births (GROS) % of total births due to IVF/ICSI Previous figures
<35 511 24,586 2.08% 1.60%
35-39 433 3,181 13.61% 10.60%
40+ 64 632 10.13% 8.50%
All ages 1008 28,399 3.55% 2.80%

Sources (accessed 7/12/2012)

One in seven of first births in women aged 35-39 are aided by assisted conception techniques.


Email: Janette Hannah

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