
National Infertility Group Report January 2013

The report was produced by the National Infertility Group in January 2013, with recommendations on IVF criteria for all eligible couples, for the consideration of Scottish Government Ministers.

Appendix G Cost effectiveness of IVF

Age Scottish NHS Unit success rate Total cost per live birth
<35 29.2% £ 12,325.26
35-37 28.8% £ 12,516.67
38-39 18.6% £ 19,360.00
40-42 7.3% £ 49,153.85
43-44 3.2% £ 111,600.00
>44 8.3% £ 43,200.00
All ages 24% £ 14,928.67
Cost per cycle of treatment £ 3,600.00

At the current average NHS cost of £3,600, the average cost per live birth is £12,325 for women below the age of 35, rising to £19,360 for women aged 38 to 39. In the few women treated over the age of 40 the cost per live birth is considerably more.


Email: Janette Hannah

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