
National health and social care workforce plan: part two

Part two of the plan will enable different workforce planning systems to move towards improved planning in social care.

Chapter 6: Conclusions And Next Steps

109. The recommendations developed in this document by Scottish Government, COSLA and partners, and agreed by Scottish Government and COSLA, are intended to initiate seven workstreams. An early priority for these workstreams will be agreement on who will lead each area of work and how each will be resourced.

110. Delivery of the recommendations and further work to improve approaches to workforce planning will require engagement between the Scottish Government, COSLA, SSSC, Care Inspectorate, IJBs, NES and other key partners and stakeholders, with particular partners expected to play a stronger role in some of the recommendations. Work with key partners to develop specific actions and timetables under each workstream will take place over the first half of 2018.

111. The National Workforce Planning Group established under Part 1 of this Workforce Plan, is expected to play a role in monitoring progress and as a vehicle for engagement of many of the key partners. This Group will also provide a forum to ensure linkages are made across the different parts of the Plan and that progress is made under the three parts of the Plan, towards the first iteration of a single joint Plan across the health and social care workforce, during 2018.



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