
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) services in Scotland: health board survey - updated analysis

Findings from a survey of 14 NHS boards on service provision for ME/CFS, and barriers and opportunities for implementing the NICE guideline for ME/CFS locally. This is an update on survey responses that were published in spring 2023


1 Two responses were received from NHS Dumfries and Galloway, specifically from the Allied Health Professionals and the Clinical Health Psychology Service and responses were combined where possible.

2 NHS Dumfries and Galloway, NHS Fife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Orkney, NHS Tayside, NHS Western Isles

3 NHS Borders, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Shetland

4 NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Grampian, NHS Highland, NHS Lothian

5 Suspended since April 2023

6 There are plans to integrate Covid and ME/CFS pathways for adults and children in 2024/25

7 Supported Self-Management/Psychoeducation Group Programmes, Physio Movement based Education Programmes, Individual Therapies, Holistic Day Service, Complimentary Therapy, Acupuncture

8 Abbreviations: OT (Occupational Therapist), PT (Physiotherapy), Nur (Nurse), Doc (Doctor), CP (Clinical Psychology), Di (Dietician), MHN (Mental Health Nurse), Cou (Counsellor), TI (Technical Instructor/Support Worker), FI (Fitness Instructor (Local Authority/Move More etc), Vol (Volunteer/Buddy/Peer Support), Other. Full list of abbreviations can be found at the beginning of this report.



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